The AWU Scandal - The BCITF FOI Response - All The Records Were Destroyed
The AWU Scandal - Gillard Slush Fund Used to Rip Off BCITF

The AWU Scandal - What the BCITF said in its glossy Annual Reports - compare with statements to police

Annual Reports are very serious business.

Anyone who's ever been associated with a public company, statutory authority, arts board or a range of other entities will tell you how much goes in to getting the Annual Report absolutely right.   There are very serious penalties if you get it wrong.

The Annual Report is an important historical record.   It has legal obligations associated with it in regard to accuracy, inclusion of material facts, forward-looking statements and a range of other considerations.

Boards of directors sweat over Annual Reports.   So what did the BCITF say about the "union slush fund" set up with lawyerly care by Ms Julia Gillard.

Here's the relevant bit from the BCITF Annual Report, 1993.

It is operating as a model site for workplace reform.  Wow.   Compare and contrast with this synopsis of various statements taken by Detective Sergeant McAlpine of the WA Fraud Squad.   The person who gave the first statement is a senior Thiess employee with roles in Thiess Contractors P/L and Thiess Contractors WA P/L.   You'll get the gist of the rest of them.

The next year's Annual Report from the BCITF is even further removed from sanity and the truth.   Some one has been telling very serious porky pies here.   It was serious money that came from the WA Statutory Authority that year - $442,426.00  The acquittal of the money that the BCITF allocated to Thiess and which Thiess then paid to Wilson and Blewitt is a very serious business.   The bottom line is that the BCITF Annual Reports for 93 and as below 94 bear no resemblance to the activities of the entity that issued invoices for the so-called Workplace Reform at Dawesville.   That entity was the 'union slush fund" set up through the free legal services of Julia Gillard.


The model was so successful that Thiess has introduced the features of the training program into all future projects.  The training bits must have been pretty bloody good, because the workplace reform bits went to a singularly unreformed union slush fund and from there into the wild blue yonder. 

