The AWU Scandal - why Kernohan received $6,500
Sunday, 30 September 2012
I've been asked now a couple of times why Bob Kernohan received $6,500 from one of the accounts operated by Wilson.
From the start of my dealings with Bob, I have found him up front and at pains to inform me fully about everything that went on in The AWU Scandal to the best of his knowledge.
When Wilson's frauds were discovered and Bob realised that he had been paid out of one of Wilson's dodgy accounts, Bob went immediately to police and made a complete statement. Bob's statement would expose him to the penalties of perjury if false. He also declared the money as income to the ATO, offset against expenses he incurred in earning his income (that being electoral expenses as a union rep seeking to remain in office).
Here is his statement to police, which I publish with Bob's permission (no with his encouragement!)