For the public record please Prime Minister
Friday, 12 October 2012
Subject: Question for the Prime Minister
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Fri, 12 Oct 2012 09:03:24 +1100
Dear Sean,
I have two questions for the PM please. I know the answers are not already on the public record because no one's asked these questions.
Ms Gillard's signature and solicitor's stamp are on a document that purports to witness the donation of Ralph Blewitt's Specific Power of Attorney over his purchase of real estate in Victoria to Bruce Wilson made on 4 February, 1993.
I've put a copy of the document dated 4 February, 1993, with a back-sheet that says Ralph Blewitt, Specific Power of Attorney, Slater and Gordon Solicitors with the solicitor code JEG on the web here
That document says that Ralph Blewitt donated the Power of Attorney to Bruce Wilson on 4 February, 1993. It was signed, sealed and delivered Ralph Blewitt. According to the document, the donation, the signing, the sealling and the delivering were all witnessed by Julia Gillard. Ms Gillard's signature is written in her handwriting on the document, and Ms Gillard's then-valid practising certificate details are stamped thereon.
Yesterday I spoke on the record with Ralph Blewitt. He says that no such act as the donation, signing, sealing or delivering that Ms Gillard purported to have witnessed on 4 February, 1993 ever took place. He says that he signed the document in Perth during the week after the property purchase. He says that Ms Gillard was not present and could not have witnessed him signing the document. For your convenience I refer you to this recording of our conversation, published to the internet on 11 October, 2012.
If you prefer I have had that conversation transcribed and I present what I believe to be an accurate transcription of the actual conversation with Mr Blewitt here.
May I ask the Prime Minister two questions for the public record please.
1. Did you witness Ralph Blewitt donating his power of attorney to Brue Wilson on 4 February, 1993, having regard to your obligations as a solicitor? Was it signed, sealed and delivered in your presence?
2. If you did witness the donation and Ralph Blewitt signing, sealing and delivering the document, where did that happen?
I will publish this letter and your answers to my website
Michael Smith