Rats. Not human ones. Just plain old rats and how to get rid of them.
Monday, 01 October 2012
One of the joys of talk-back radio was that people ring up with some real little gems of information! Stuff comes out of left-field all the time. And this morning, Jon sent me a little note that's in that very, very useful category - if you've got rats!
Hi Mr Smith,
I know this is way, way off topic, and it's not what you're about at all, but I really feel that it needs "getting out there". This is something I "picked up" and have checked out for myself.
They are vermin and in plague-like numbers after the end of the drought. (And let's not forget the Great Plague...)
I posted this info a year ago on The Punch and had a reply comment saying "Thanks Joel B1, we thought we would have to burn the house down to get rid of them".
The secret is Disco!
No, not your gold lame' hot pants but rather the strobe.
Rats hate strobes. Especially about 72 flashes/minute. That's a bit more than one flash a second.
A cheap mains powered LED strobe from an Australian company Jaycar ($39.95) and a timer will keep keep the buggers out of your roof/under house and any-where else you can stand to have a strobing light. You can also get cheap LED strobes from other places including solar-powered garden strobes.
It really does work. It's area denial. No chemicals, no traps, just a lack of vermin.
I know you're dealing with other rats but if you could mention this I'm sure you'll have many other relieved Australians.
And if you don't, that's Ok , it is after-all way, way off topic.
PS: I'm not paid by, affiliated or in any way reimbursed by Jaycar.