The AWU Scandal - Blewitt has released the property purchase file - it starts with the Power of Attorney
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Ralph Blewitt is making good on his promise to help to bring the details of The AWU Scandal to the Australian public.
As you know, Ralph was the "named" purchaser whose details appeared on the title and mortgage documents for the Kerr Street property. The property was purchased by Bruce Wilson with a Power of Attorney donated to him by Ralph Blewitt.
Here is the start point for the property transactions, the Power of Attorney.
You will note that this document says that it's witnessed by Julia Gillard. She has a very big duty to Mr Blewitt as the witness of his donation of such a broad power. In due course Mr Blewitt will make a statement as to where he was and who was present when he signed the document.
There is no file note about Mr Blewitt attending the Slater and Gordon or other premises to donate his power of attorney. There is no letter on the file to Mr Blewitt confirming his instructions to the firm or Miss Gillard. There is no file note describing Mr Blewitt's instructions in relation to the donation of his Power of Attorney. There is no reason explaining why an able-bodied and sound of mind young man able to use a phone, email and fax machine would need to donate such a wide-ranging power to the lawyer's boyfriend.
(in an earlier edition of this post I had inadvertently posted a certified copy of the Specific Power of Attorney held in the conveyancing file, this is a copy of the original document without any certification.)
The reverse of the Power of Attorney looks like this, note the JEG initials,
Later on we will look at the circumstances surrounding the production and use of the Specific Power of Attorney.