A starting point for some further enquiries re Boulder
Saturday, 01 December 2012
seeker of truth said:
Michael, Slightly off topic I don’t know if you are aware of another AWU association originally registered in WA but now de-registered. It showed up on an ASIC search when I was researching how many trade unions (with their union name in their titles) were registered as associations. I was trying to find evidence to negate Greg Combet’s argument that it was common place to use incorporated entities as “slush funds”. Anyway, my search threw up this name Funeral and Accident Fund of the Australian Workers Union of Western Australia – registered number WA A0150007P. It was a WA association and was de-registered on 20 February 2006. That’s the same date of de-registration as the two other AWU associations mentioned by your bloggers previously. They were de-registered by the WA Dept. of Commerce. Could the Boulder funds have been laundered through this association?