Bob Kernohan is in a class of his own
Sunday, 30 December 2012
I am travelling at present, currently in Melbourne.
I've been moderating your comments as speedily as I can on the iPhone which ran out of batteries about mid arvo.
I was enjoying a pint at Young and Jackson's on Swanston Street this arvo when, with no fanfare, up pops the dead-set comment of the year from Bob Kernohan.
This small piece of writing which I've already posted on the stream to do with the Courier Mail Editorial thread says it all. What man, what a mighty fine man. Read it as it was intended, as a comment from a man of integrity directed to the nameless, faceless barrackers known collectively as "staff writers" who produced the newspaper's editorial.
Sunday, 30 December 2012 at 01:22 PM
Your paper reports"Unfounded allegations" directed toward Gillard Regarding the AWU fraud.I take offence to this broad brush innacurate statement. I have made public comments, sworn four statutory declarations over the past 17 years regarding Gillards involvment in stealing, with her then lover Wilson, who was a married man with kids , in my opinion well over a million dollars of AWU members money along with around $600,000 of WA taxpayers funds, there were illegal property transactions that also defrauded AWU members with the full compliance of Gillard aiding and abetting Wilson. I am not a person who swears that legal statuory declerations that I have prepared and duly had witnessed in accordance with the law in the state of Victoria are not the truth and nothing but the whole truth. Gillard has not made one, not one statement to police relating to this fraud. I am acutely aware of the punishment that the courts could hand me if I attempted to tell lies. In addition I have told Michael Smith on recorded video about what happened in the scandelous fraud that occured within the AWU in the early to mid 1990s, who covered the fraud up,to name but a few, Shorten, Roxon, Conroy etc. (the interviews should be available on Michaels blog site. It is not good enough for a msm publication to once again wipe this story and declare it to be nothing more than unfounded allegations. In the last 17 years Gillard has ONLY once responded to my factual comments regarding her active role in defrauding AWU members. That was in the last sitting week of parliament for 2012. I repeat what I have previously said to Gillard on a number of occasions now...Ms Gillard, if you feel agrieved, injured, hurt or maybe even defamed by my comments you have the same democratic rights as any other Australian, you have the right to seek relief through our courts. Oh before I go, I would dearly love for you to repeat your comments that my statutory declaration dated August 2010 was drafted by another person. If you accomodate my request it will give me great delight to see you in court for defaming my character. Bob Kernohan