Do you know anyone who was there? Anzac Day, 1984
Saturday, 05 January 2013
I know that to many of you this is of passing interest at best. Not me. These terrible people acted disgracefully towards our serving and returned men and women. I want to know if Ms Gillard was there.
This is a 1983 photo of Ms Gillard as she agitated for more political power. It's the original of a version that's been doctored, beware of imitations.
Here is a photo from one of our readers' collections, a newspaper clipping of the unspeakable Women against Rape, many of whom hurled horrible abuse against our returned men and women. I was there, marching in the 1984 Anzac Day parade in Melbourne. Those people were disgraceful.
And here is a photograph of impeccable provenance, taken by one of our own blog readers at the Melbourne 2010 Anzac Day Parade. What is it with the clothes, the red gloves and shoes?