Quality work from Dr Dennis Jensen MP - Mick Young, Ben Chifley and any decent Australian simply would not recognise these people as Labor leaders
A lovely note from Kate about her husband Paul, RAAC

Do you know anyone who was there? Anzac Day, 1984

I know that to many of you this is of passing interest at best.  Not me.   These terrible people acted disgracefully towards our serving and returned men and women.   I want to know if Ms Gillard was there.

This is a 1983 photo of Ms Gillard as she agitated for more political power.   It's the original of a version that's been doctored, beware of imitations.

Gillard AUS
Here is a photo from one of our readers' collections, a newspaper clipping of the unspeakable Women against Rape, many of whom hurled horrible abuse against our returned men and women.  I was there, marching in the 1984 Anzac Day parade in Melbourne.   Those people were disgraceful.

Gillard, women against rape in war
And here is a photograph of impeccable provenance, taken by one of our own blog readers at the Melbourne 2010 Anzac Day Parade.   What is it with the clothes, the red gloves and shoes?

Gillard anzac day 2010
