FOI re the PM's car fines
I love fishing and I love Australia - but I hate filthy littering Arabs

The WA Corporate Affairs Commissioner and his/her responsibilities

Here's Eleni with a great reminder for me and Harry Nowicki about the WA Information Commissioner and his responsibilities to get answers for us.  It's going to be a cracking new year.   Back full steam ahead tomorrow.

Thanks Eleni                        

                                Hi Michael, I recalled reading early December ( at about the time you visited Perth) that  you attempted to obtain AWU-WRA  documents by way of FOI from the Commissioner for Corporate Affairs.  What happened to the FOI Application. Has there been a response. I refer you to my email of  12 December 2012  I sent for your urgent attention stating the following: "I believe you have made application for the release of the AWU/WRA file to W.A. authorities who have advised you of a delay in releasing the documents due to work overload.  You may or may not be aware of the following section of the Act which goes to the Commissioners obligation with respect to document retention and access of documents, so as a matter of urgency I need to bring your attention to the following: PART VII - ADMINISTRATION Section 37  Documents lodged with Commissioner, access to and retention of Paragraph (5)    The Commissioner may, if in his opinion it is no longer necessary or desirable to retain it,  destroy or dispose of any document, and any copy or transparency of such a document, lodged in respect of an incorporated association that for not less than 15 years has been dissolved. The Act makes provision within PART VI - Winding up and cancellation of incorporation which raises many obvious questions: 1.   When was the AWU-WRA wound up/dissolved or cancelled? 2.   What were the circumstances by which this was brought about? 3.   Who was responsible for the winding up and/or cancellation of the AWU/WRA ? As to the Commissioners obligation to retain documents pursuant to Part VII Section 37 (5) time is of the essence as there is no legal obligation for the W.A. Commissioner to retain the file/documents after the 15 year winding up/cancellation AWU/WRA time limit." Hope this assists you. Regards Eleni
