Good Leaders are invaluable to an organisation, Bad Leaders will destroy it
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Sauce says..
Amy Rees Anderson seems to have a handle on leadership. As the founder and CEO of MediConnect Global, Inc. She led a worldwide workforce of over 1,000 employees and achieved over 1,500 percent revenue growth, leading the company to be acquired for $377 million in 2012.
Writing for Forbes Magazine she also has a firm grasp of the effects of Leadership on morale:
"Bad leadership can be felt throughout the entire organization – only not in a good way. Corporate culture becomes a meaningless term where leaders claim it exists while employees shake their heads in frustration.
There is a lack of clear, consistent communication from leadership to the employees. As a result, the office is run by rumor mill, politics and gamesmanship.
Employees are uncertain of the company’s goals and objectives for success and they have no idea how they fit into that picture, or what their level of importance is toward making it happen.
Decisions for promotions are not based on integrity or talent, but rather they are based on who can talk the biggest talk or who is deemed to be the least threatening to the current leadership team.
Employees are taught play dirty against coworkers to get ahead by watching as it is continuously rewarded by leadership leading to the Lobster Syndrome of tearing one another down throughout the organization. The result of bad leadership is low morale, high turnover, and a decreased ability to have any sustainable success.
To become a truly great company it takes truly great leaders. And there is a huge difference in bosses and leaders."
You can read the full article here.
Coincidently, News Limited is reporting Julia Gillard intends to head back to Western Sydney to address an Election Morale Booster...
PM to address election morale booster
PRIME Minister Julia Gillard will reportedly head back to western Sydney on a morale-boosting trip ahead of the September federal election.
News Limited says NSW ALP headquarters has organised for Ms Gillard to address a special one-day meeting at Parramatta's Rydges Hotel on Saturday, May 25.
Top secret invitations have been sent to MPs, candidates and campaign teams, requesting confirmation of attendance.
Labor luminaries such as former prime minister Bob Hawke and foreign minister and former NSW premier Bob Carr have also been invited.