The Law Institute Journal of Victoria of February, 1996 records Bernard Murphy's resignation as a partner from Slater and Gordon. It's silent on Ms Gillard.
My wife is the world's #1 Kath and Kim fan - this shot has it all, the posture, the lips, the open mouths!

Formal complaint to the Legal Services Board of Victoria seeking the re-statement of the Trust Account Ledger entry for the AWU WRA's $67,722.30 cheque

You may recall that yesterday that Legal Services Board of Victoria advised me that its CEO apprehended a potential conflict of interest in dealing with my complaint.

I'm grateful to the Chair and General Counsel of the Board for their invitation to lodge a revised complaint and for their advice as to its form.

Just for the record, I wrote to Slater and Gordon's managing director on 8 May, 2012 and again on Wednesday, 22 May 2012.   I have not received a reply to either note.

For the completeness of your records, here is my letter to the Board of today's date:

Download Complaint legal services board, 29 May, 2013
