One issue, one fact, one simple question for the Legal Services Board of Victoria
The Law Institute Journal of Victoria of February, 1996 records Bernard Murphy's resignation as a partner from Slater and Gordon. It's silent on Ms Gillard.

This mob's announcements are a product of the sick joke factory

This mob has no shame.

Look at Ms Gillard's treatment of anyone who reports on the apparent misappropriation of $1,000,000 odd in The AWU Scandal.   Hardly the actions of someone interested in the interests of justice.

Look at Bill Shorten's treatment of Bob Kernohan, who waited 9 years for basic termination of employment entitlements to be paid after being bashed and threatened to be killed.

And why all that mistreatment?   Read the announcement carefully and consider which "victim" groups are most likely to be further advantaged by this "enhancement". 






Minister for Emergency Management

Special Minister of State

Minister for the Public Service and Integrity




29 May 2013

PROTECTion for vulnerable witnessES and VICTIMS


Legislation to protect vulnerable witnesses and victims in Commonwealth criminal proceedings was introduced into Parliament today.

Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus QC said the Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill will extend support to witnesses in Commonwealth criminal proceedings who are vulnerable either due to the nature of the offence, or to a particular characteristic, such as age, cultural background, or a disability. 

Protections available will include the ability to give evidence by closed‑circuit television, video recording or video link, and to have a support person accompany the witness when giving evidence. 

The protections will apply automatically to victims of human trafficking, slavery and slavery‑like offences, including forced marriage, in recognition of the extreme forms of trauma and exploitation they have experienced.

“Prosecutions for human trafficking and slavery rely heavily on witness testimony, so it is vital that we have measures to assist victims to give their best possible evidence to the court.

“The Bill will minimise the risk of re-traumatisation these victims face when giving evidence by providing appropriate support and protection,” said Mr Dreyfus.

The Bill will also allow all individual victims of Commonwealth offences to make a victim impact statement, outlining the harm they have experienced as a result of the offence. 

The Bill also makes some changes to the investigation and prosecution for people-smuggling offences.  It removes wrist X-rays as a prescribed age determination procedure, and ensures that the onus of proof in establishing age in people-smuggling prosecutions lies with the prosecution. 

This will ensure that legislation reflects the current practice of agencies not to use wrist X-rays to determine a person’s age, and that a person’s age is a matter for judicial determination, similar to other matters required to be proved at trial.



