Rod Madgwick and mates like Marcus "betterment of mankind" Einfeld
After his conviction and imprisonment, former Federal Court Judge Einfeld was brought back to be struck off

Victoria Police investigating The AWU Scandal have executed more search warrants - this time in WA

Brad Norrington in today's The Australian with confirmation of the Victoria Police raids.

Police seize hundreds of AWU ‘slush fund’ documents

VICTORIAN police have seized hundreds of union documents locked in a Perth storage unit that could provide important evidence for their investigation into the involvement of Julia Gillard’s former boyfriend in an alleged fraud.

The Australian Workers Union confirmed yesterday that Victorian police had executed search warrants for archives kept in the storage unit, and removed 12 boxes that could assist an investigation into former union official Bruce Wilson and the AWU Workplace Reform Association “slush fund”.

The revelation that potentially key evidence is in police hands comes in the same week that Tony Abbott announced the terms of reference for a wide-ranging royal commission into union corruption, including financial deals and bribes going back decades. It confirms how seriously Victorian police — who also travelled to Perth to interview former union boss Tim Daly about the contents of the boxes — are treating the Wilson case. The Wilson investigation is likely to continue as a parallel police operation separate from the royal commission.

Ms Gillard was a partner with Melbourne-based law firm Slater & Gordon in the early 1990s when she provided legal advice to hep set up the association for Mr Wilson, then her boyfriend. The former Labor prime minister later described the association as a “slush fund” for the re-election of union officials.

She has repeatedly denied wrongdoing, and said she knew nothing about the workings of the fund until serious allegations were raised in 1995 that Mr Wilson and a union sidekick, Ralph Blewitt, had siphoned off money that had been paid to the fund by construction company Theiss into secret West Australian bank accounts.

While insisting she had no involvement in the fund’s workings, Ms Gillard did not disclose her legal work on the fund to other partners of her firm. Nor did she inform her client, the AWU, that she was doing the work for Mr Wilson and Mr Blewitt.

Her relationship with fellow partners “fractured” and she left Slater & Gordon after her role in setting up the fund came to their attention.

Ms Gillard was involved in conveyancing work related to the purchase of a house in the Melbourne suburb of Fitzroy, bought at auction by Mr Wilson in 1993 — in part with money from the slush fund — in Mr Blewitt’s name. Ms Gillard attended the 1993 auction with Mr Wilson, who subsequently lived in the house.

There is no doubt about Ms Gillard's role in the fraud.   She is a party to the conduct of the crimes - her defence is that she was unwitting, she was deceived, she didn't know that what she was doing was wrong.   Right.
