Michael Williamson and his cronies took Kathy Jackson's financial records and now they're being selectively leaked
You had a hide to back Combet! Stu of NT with Bill Shorten's reaction to Julia's Greg revelations.

I'm off to the city for the Royal Commission today

Could I ask anyone who has a streaming video recorder to record today's proceedings please?

The Royal Commission has limited time until its report is due this December.    Likewise our media has limited space in papers, time on television or radio and journalist-manpower to cover the commission.   On the evidence in the media you'd think this was a Royal Commission about Kathy Jackson - where are the media articles about the TWU numbers, Olive Brosnahan's evidence blowing Julia Gillard's mortgage lies out of the water or the evidence of those like the auditor, book-keeper and BCOM members who corroborate Kathy Jackson's story.

I know she reported Thomson and Williamson to police - you see I was there.   The real crooks within the HSU, other unions, Labor and the media have reason to be worried.   Very worried.
