Jane Holt, former book-keeper for the No 3 Branch has been sworn and seated in the witness box
Ian Dick, former auditor of the Vic No 3 Branch of the HSU has been sworn

The definition of a political imbecile - Melissa Parke MP



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Labor's Melissa Parke lists her areas of expertise as human rights, refugees, welfare, foreign policy, animal welfare, and the public service. 

Before entering parliament, Melissa Parke worked as a senior lawyer in the United Nations.

Her employment began with the UN peacekeeping mission in Kosovo in 1999, and this was followed by two and a half years working in Gaza for the international legal division of UNRWA, the UN agency that works to assist Palestinian refugees.

In June 2004, Melissa undertook a position in the UN headquarters in New York in the Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Management.

So ... she would know that all this terrorism stuff is no risk at all to a nation like Australia. 

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Apparently, it's all just politics.

How do people like this get elected?
