Craig Thomson would be taken more seriously if he admitted guilt and apologised
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
He stole money from workers he was paid to look after. He lied to me and my 2UE audience. He lied to the Parliament. He falsely accused Marco Bolano of setting him up with hookers. He cost the community a fortune in unnecessary investigations. He had the Labor Party pay his legal fees.
He has never admitted his guilt. And he has not apologised.
Lay off Craig Thomson? Maybe when Craig Thomson lays off us.
Craig Thomson's bid to have trial dismissed based on mental health issues rejected by court
Former federal MP Craig Thomson has walked out of a civil case after telling a court that his mental health problems were too severe for him to continue.
In an emotional address, Mr Thomson provided evidence from his psychologist that he was suffering a major depressive disorder and other conditions.
But Federal Court justice Christopher Jessup rejected the application from Mr Thomson, saying the ex-politician had only raised the issue late in the hearings.
Mr Thomson later told the court he could not continue in the trial because he had to look after his health to ensure "I'm alive" and "not dead".
"I have no choice but not to participate," he said. "I am not able to proceed in this matter without there being very dire consequences."
Mr Thomson is being sued by the Fair Work Commission for the alleged misspending of $243,000 in Health Services Union funds – the bulk of which is to do with expenditure on his successful 2007 bid to enter federal parliament.
He told the court he contemplated taking his own life every day, and his wife feared leaving him home alone.
He said he had suffered prolonged harassment from the media and been at the centre of a political and media storm for several years, in particular during the minority Gillard government years.
Mr Thomson said having his vote described as "tainted" by his political opponents had a "substantial and obvious effect" on his mental health.
But Justice Jessup rejected much of Mr Thomson's submissions and described some elements of his evidence as "scandalous" and "objectionable", including unsupported allegations against police and the Fair Work Commission.
Mr Thomson said he was "not capable in a mental health sense" of coping with the case proceeding.
He said there was no public good in the case going ahead as he was in no position to pay fines and had already been through two criminal trials.
Mr Thomson, who was representing himself, did not return to the court after lunch and the trial proceeded without him. Evidence was presented of Mr Thomson having used a union credit card for sexual services on seven separate occasions.