Get into town this Saturday and say "Thank You" to our magnificent veterans of the war against Islamists in Afghanistan
Wednesday, 18 March 2015
There's been a fairly low key lead up to this welcome home parade - let's hope the promotion fires up a bit before Saturday morning.
This matters to the men and women who served in y0ur name. Our Vietnam Veterans were shunned and treated as outcasts for a generation after their return from active service. Tony Abbott is determined to make sure that doesn't happen to the men and women who took the fight up to Islamism in Afghanistan.
There's sure to be a young digger marching on Saturday who'll see a small child with a flag screaming out "thank you, welcome home". The child will never know what a difference he or she made in that returned veteran's life - but rest assured that difference will be life-changing for the vet. It will power him or her in the dark times. It's the small and personal moments, like catching the eye of a small child with a flag who just wanted to say thanks - that's what makes it all worthwhile.
That could be your child who'll make that difference - but only if you're there!!
Here's the blurb for the Sydney parade - you can find the other capital city arrangement as well as Townsville at the Defence website here.
Sydney Commemoration for the end of OP Slipper (NCEOS): 21 March 2015
Program of Events
The Commemoration events in Sydney on 21 Mar 15, as part of the National Commemoration for the end of Operation SLIPPER, will include a Parade along George St, commencing at 1000, followed by a Commemorative Ceremony held around the Pool of Reflection at the ANZAC Memorial, Southern section of Hyde Park, commencing approximately 1130 and concluding by 1230. There will be a fly-past during the course of the Parade and the salute will be taken by the Reviewing Officer, the Governor of NSW, on the steps of the Town Hall.
The Parade route and Ceremony assembly in Hyde Park are shown in the respective diagrams.
The purpose of these events is to provide the Australian public the chance to thank all those who participated in Op SLIPPER, Australia’s whole-of-government commitment to the International Security Assistance Force mission in Afghanistan and the Middle East, which commenced in October 2001. By so doing, the public is able to recognise the commitment and sacrifice of all personnel who deployed as part of the fight against terrorism across Afghanistan and the Middle East.
Parade Participation
It is expected that there will be approximately 9000 participants in the Parade, comprising those current ADF personnel who served in Op SLIPPER, discharged ADF veterans of Op SLIPPER, Other Government Agency personnel who were part of the UN Assistance Mission, allied nations veterans and locally engaged employees.
Dress for the Parade:
- For serving PN and Reserve members is
- Navy S2;
- Army 2A and
- Air Force 4B / 4C.
- Uniform members - Ceremonial uniform with tunic and medals
- Plain clothes members - Business suit or equivalent with medals
- All other participants are to wear smart civilian attire with medals.
It is important that all intending participants advise their Command of their intention to march or register through the process described below if ex-serving Defence members or members of other government agencies.
The Parade assembly area will be George St, between the intersections of King and Hunter Sts for serving personnel, and George St end of Martin Place for ex-serving and other government agency members.
All Sydney based personnel will make-own-way into the city by 0900 utilising public transport, which will be free for those personnel in uniform or wearing the relevant medals. Service transport arrangements for ADF personnel in regional areas will be advised in due course.
Serving Members and Reservists travelling from outside of the Sydney area are advised to contact their local Command for transport details.
With extensive road closures, expected heavy traffic and significant delays in the Sydney CBD, participants and spectators are dvised to take public transport to the parade.
Parade participants wearing their official uniform or service medals can travel free on public transport to and from the event. This entitlement also applies to accompanying carers, partners and children. The train is the best way to get there, as buses will be diverting due to the road closures and services may be delayed.
Motorists are strongly advised to stay away from the Sydney CBD until after 1pm.
For traffic information, visit or call 132 701. To plan your trip on public transport, visit or call 131 500.
Ex-Serving Defence Members and other Government Agency participants
Individuals who are Operation SLIPPER veterans and are not now serving with the ADF, as well as members of Other Government Agencies, are strongly encouraged to participate in the parade. Register your interest by going online at [email protected] completing the ‘Request to Participate’ form and emailing it to the parade coordinator.
Information current as of 23 Jan 2015