What was Sam Dastyari up to in 2010/11 when the ETU "loan" was so speedily arranged
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Click here to watch the TURC hearings into the Labor Party Loans Affair - day four

Here are the transcripts and exhibits from yesterday's glacial proceedings.



Uncorrected proof of transcript. This will be replaced with corrected proof as soon as possible. 



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The first witness today is Steve Butler, the current secretary of the NSW Branch of the ETU.

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Mr Butler has adopted his witness statement (with amendments) which has been tendered and received into evidence it is apparently quite lengthy.

Sam Dastyari's name came up in the first few minutes of Mr Butler's evidence.

The Commission was shown a letter from Dastyari dated 14 September 2012 - Dastyari was then the NSW Labor Party head - the letter is addressed to Butler as Secretary of the ETU NSW Branch.

The letter purports to set out, or refer to, the alleged loan contract between the ETU NSW Branch and the NSW Labor Party prior to the ETU making a loan to the Labor Party in December 2010.   We'll publish the letter as soon as possible.

Mr Butler was quizzed about an after-the-event review of the Labor Party money transfer conducted by lawyers for the ETU - they found that the loan was made within the rules of the union.

Mr Butler was excused a little before 11AM.  The interesting bits of Mr Butler's testimony are in the Exhibits which we'll review as soon as we can get them.


At about 11AM Neville Betts was sworn.

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