TURC CFMEU organised crime hearing - Darren Greenfield in the witness box
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
The Commission's hearings opened with this telephone intercept between Mr Greenfield and Mr Barios.
The Commission heard this telephone intercept between Mr Greenfield and Mace Hourani - 25 August 2014 - Mr Greenfield had appeared at the TURC on 22 August 2014 for a private hearing. In this call he is asked by Mr Hourani "how did you go?" Mr Greenfield later told Ms McNaughton that he did not have a conversation with Mr Hourani about his private hearing at the TURC.
Ms McNaughton, "The number of times you were seeing Mr Alex, you must have been getting a bit of a heads-up about what was happening with his companies?"
Mr Greenfield did not agree with the proposition.
The Commission heard this 29 August 2014 telephone intercept of a call between George Alex and Darren Greenfield - Ms McNaughton described it as a "very cosy conversation". It's clear that George Alex is the real owner or person behind the Capital company.
On 2 September 2014 this telephone call between George Alex and Darren Greenfield was intercepted and recorded. They discuss at length various people involved in the Royal Commission - Mr Greenfield says several times "they can go fuck themselves".
Mr Greenfield was quizzed at length about his claim of being "told" by "a man named Lorne or Vaughan" that he was being set up by "people" in the George Alex companies. He couldn't explain in anything like normal detail who it was who told him, how tall he was, whether he spoke with an accent etc.
Mr Greenfield was shown this photo and asked whether he could identify anyone in the photo.
He couldn't. He was asked if he had seen Mick Gatto at the premises - he couldn't recall.
He described a "gym" at the rear of the Alex premises and "men with beards' entering and leaving the premises. He couldn't say what jobs they did. Apparently never discussed joining up with the CFMEU. Right.
Ms McNaughton, "Other than Mr Anton, what line of work were the other men in?"
Greenfield, "I don't know."
Ms McNaughton, "Did you ask Mr Alex?"
Greenfield, "no".
McNaughton, "did you get to meet Mike Tyson?"
Greenfield, "no".
Mr Greenfield was quizzed over whether or not he had attended at the Fruit Markets at Flemington. He thinks he might have gone there for lunch. He did not have CFMEU members to service there.
A further 5 telephone intercepts were tendered and received into evidence.
At 11.30 AM Ms McNaughton completed her examination.
Mr Greenfield was excused from the witness box - he is to reappear for re-examination by his Counsel Mr Agius tomorrow morning
The Commission is adjourned until 11.45AM.