Magnificent service at the Hotel des Invalides yesterday featuring French subtlety & Joe Green's hit Va Pensiero
Don't Muslim mums say "Just because Mohammed smacks his head for hours doesn't mean you have to too"

Need your help please

I have been head down and immersed in the minutiae of The AWU Scandal of late  (focussing on those matters that are, to put it kindly, additional to the work of the Trade Union Royal Commission).

I have a big deadline next week and I've been trying to get as much as possible done before that cut off date arrives.

I've not been looking closely at paying the bills until today.   Eek!

Michael Smith

National Australia Bank

BSB: 084855 

Acct No: 537650476

Thanks again for your support - between us all and our various contributions I know we have made a very significant difference in investigating how Bill Ludwig installed a compromised charlatan to run the country.


