Brandis announces 12 month extension of Task Force Heracles to investigate the TURC AWU findings
Michael Smith editorial on the 12 month extension to the Trade Union Royal Commission's police investigations into the AWU

Prime Minister Turnbull on the Trade Union Royal Commission

Prime Minister Turnbull is speaking on the TURC.

He starts speaking off the cuff, "if the recommendations of this report are implemented...If they are implemented....."  then "they will be implemented, we will implement the recommendations...."

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After a few minutes he is now on much firmer ground.   He speaks of the AWU Victoria Branch accepting $25,000 to sell Clean Event workers down the river.

He now states that his government is firmly committed to union reform.

He states that the Australian Building and Construction Commission legislation (rejected by the Senate) will be reintroduced in the first session of the Parliament in the new year.   

Senator Cash spoke and said similar things.

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Then the Attorney General Senator Brandis gave us the zinger - the TURC investigations to continue for a further 12 months.

We win!


