David Morrison releases statement to say he is AOTY and he cares about Veterans issues. Another slap in the face from this inept character.
Saturday, 30 January 2016
Strangely short, trite and insulting statement on "issues I care deeply" about. What are they? What needs to be done? Have you listened to the concerns your people have? Are you putting their case forward for them? Do you care about them?
I think you'll find all the answers in the Australian of the Year's statement.
For most of us, doing our job takes up 95% of our focus and efforts - for a lawyer it's the law, accountant it's the numbers, for a General it's primarily making sure your warriors are trained, loyal, in good health and able to fight. And the biggest part of that responsibility is making sure their needs are met - in service and after.
Then we all have the 5% overhead with the stuff organisations and the law require of us all. Commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity, Commitment to Diversity, Commitment to Workplace Health and Safety, Commitment to the Environment, EIEIO etc.
This bloke Morrison has it all back to front. That Statement from the Australian of the Year is weird, meaningless and insulting. It's like a tick and flick check list with no passion, no data, no personal insight and no evidence of anything other than a box-ticking exercise.
- Pick up dry-cleaning
- Change smoke alarm battery
- Put out statement to say I care about "Veterans Issues"
I'm not a veteran but I did 8 years in the ARA and have mates I joined up with who are still in the Army - I'm bloody furious that this is the best excuse for leadership Australia could find.
When I joined the Army the single thing that impressed me most about Australian officers was the rigid custom that no officer would eat or have a brew (when out bush) until all his men had been looked after. It was an overt symbol that the welfare of the troops always comes first. Woe betide any officer that let his ego, promotion ambitions or other selfish wants get in the way.
The bloke knows he's in the news - what a chance to put some of his deeply-cared-about issues in writing and draw attention to the problems and potential solutions. Nup. "I care deeply about Veterans issues, now let's move on to the exciting stuff."
By way of contrast, look at the time and effort that's gone into this speech as part of something he truly does care about - his own legacy and ego.
Bloody disgraceful. Not an officer's bootstrap.