Note to PM's office - who authorised No Jab No Pay material published by "The Turnbull Government"
Facebook founder Zuckerberg's deep ties - and deeper pockets - helping Obama loosen US borders

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop's department pretends the de-registered Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative Inc never existed

Background material on Clinton HIV/Aids Initiative Inc deregistration


On Monday 29 February I wrote to Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop's senior staff 

Dear XXX,

This is just a heads up.   I have very good contacts in the United States including lawyers working on the Clinton Foundation.   There are some matters that might be of concern to the Australian Government, particularly flowing from Bill Clinton's surrender of his law licence (both in Arkansas and the US Supreme Court) in 2001 over Clinton V Jones and disclosures to the US Charitable Foundation regulatory authorities.
You might want to have a look at some of the material pointed to in this piece I published this morning.   I'll write more formally later for comment.

On Tuesday 1 March I wrote with this formal request for comment


On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 9:29 AM, Michael Smith <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear XXX,

I refer in part to DFAT's release of documents posted on its FOI log here:

In what capacity did Bill Clinton sign the 22 February 2006 MOU with the Australian Government?

Under the heading "Australian Aid Funding to the Clinton Foundation" DFAT's briefing paper refers to a "range of measures concerning the transparency and accountability" of the Foundation, agreed to by President Clinton.   

What were they?

Given that President Clinton did not become a trustee, officer or director of the Clinton Foundation until 2013 how was his "agreement" to the transparency and accountability measures operative?

I note that DFAT has donated about $36M (according to the table in your FOI release) to the Clinton Foundation HIV/Aids Initiative inc.

Is DFAT satisfied that the Clinton Foundation HIV/Aids Initiative Incorporated was appropriately registered by US authorities to receive donations from foreign governments for aid funding?

On 31 March 2008 the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative Inc was dissolved by regulatory authorities in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (the reregistration was backdated to and operative from 31 December 2007 and became operative at that date as a result of breaches of the law by the entity).   The entity wasn't merged with another, it was dissolved.

Last night I received a statement from Mr Howard Cutter of the Corporations Division, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in relation to the Clinton Foundation HIV/Aids Initiative Inc (I refer to the extract from their records showing the involuntary dissolution details attached).

Mr Cutter's statement says:  "The entity was dissolved by our office for failure to file annual reports in consecutive years."

DFAT and records report that DFAT continued to purportedly deal with the Clinton Foundation HIV/Aids Initiative Inc for some years after it was dissolved by the Massachusetts authorities.   Does DFAT have any comment on this matter?

Thank you XXX.

Michael Smith

Having received no reply I sent a chaser

From: Michael Smith [mailto:[email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, 2 March 2016 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: Request for comment on the Clinton Foundation and associated Clinton entities


Did you receive my note of 1 March?

Do you think the Department or Minister will respond? 




Minister Bishop's staffer

Mar 2 (7 days ago)


to me


No it didn’t come through. I will get back to you shortly. Regards, XXXX



Suite M1-27

Parliament House, CANBERRA ACT 2600

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Michael Smith <[email protected]>

Mar 2 (7 days ago)
to Advisor
I'm so glad I followed up!   Thank you XXXX, I have quite a bit of material now and can give you more information if you or  the Minister have any queries.

Then another chaser

Michael Smith <[email protected]>

Mar 7 (2 days ago)
to Advisor
 Hi XXXX, 
I last heard from you 5 days ago when you said you would get back to me shortly.
Will DFAT or the Minister respond to my questions?
Mar 7 (2 days ago)
to me
Hi Michael

I will follow up again now with DFAT. Apologies for the delay.

Regards, XXXX 

Here is the reply

DFAT Media

Mar 8 (1 day ago)


to Media, me


Michael, thanks for your query.

The following can be attributed to a spokesperson for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade:

“Former US President Bill Clinton signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Australian Government in 2006 in his capacity as the Founder and Representative of the William J Clinton Foundation. The MOU is a non-binding cooperation agreement with the intent to fight HIV/AIDS in China, Vietnam and Papua New Guinea. All funding arrangements are accompanied by specific legal funding agreements with specified outcomes, deliverables, budgets and conditions. No donations were provided to the Clinton Foundation.” 

“All DFAT funding agreements are with Clinton Health Access Initiative - a separate legal entity from Clinton Foundation since 2010 – to deliver HIV/AIDS treatment to a range of Asia-Pacific countries.”

For your background, the “range of measures concerning transparency and accountability” of the Foundation mentioned in DFAT’s briefing document refers to an agreement between the Clinton Foundation and the US Government concerning Hillary Clinton’s nomination as Secretary of State. It bears no relation to the Australian Government’s funding agreements with Clinton Health Access Initiative.


Media Liaison  |  Media Liaison Section 
Parliamentary and Media Branch | Public Diplomacy and Communications Division

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

All media inquiries: [email protected]

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The Clinton Health Access Initiative did not exist until 2010.

This is shades of the AWU Workplace Reform Association Inc passing itself off as the AWU.

In early 2008 Clinton HIV/Aids Initiative Inc (CHAI) was deregistered - but we were still giving money to CHAI until 2010.

So in 2010 a second entity Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) is registered.

Julie Bishop now tells us All DFAT funding agreements are with Clinton Health Access Initiative - a separate legal entity from Clinton Foundation since 2010 – to deliver HIV/AIDS treatment to a range of Asia-Pacific countries.

The allure of meeting Charismatic Bill must be very, very strong.

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Australia and the Clinton Health Access Initiative transforming health in the Asia Pacific region

Media release

22 September 2014

Former US President Bill Clinton and I have witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) committing Australia and the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) to work together to transform access to health in developing countries over the next five years.

The MOU will support Australia’s $5 billion aid program, which encourages innovation in research and new technologies to promote sustainable economic growth and alleviate poverty. It will also build expertise and networks in facilitating public‑private partnerships, civil society, and private sector financing for health investments.

Australia has previously worked with CHAI in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Vietnam and China to build capacity in government health services and systems, improve access to life‑saving technologies and lower the costs of treatment. 

The Australian Government will pursue these innovative partnerships to strengthen health systems, improve maternal and child health and tackle communicable diseases, including control of drug-resistant malaria and tuberculosis. 

I have announced the establishment of a Development Innovation Hub within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade which will test creative ideas and strategies to address different development challenges.

Since 2006, Australia has contributed $88 million to CHAI and its sister organisation, the Clinton Foundation.

Media enquiries

  • Minister's office: (02) 6277 7500
  • DFAT Media Liaison: (02) 6261 1555


PS - check the note from DFAT again Former US President Bill Clinton signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Australian Government in 2006 in his capacity as the Founder and Representative of the William J Clinton Foundation.

Wrong again, he was not the founder, he is a liar, a perjurer, a fraudster and because of his impeachment unfit to hold public office or be responsible for public funds.   But I suppose if the currency you're interested in dealing in is celebrity and star f****ing that doesn't worry you too much.



It also says No donations were provided to the Clinton Foundation.”

Here is the DFAT Briefing paper obtained under Freedom of Information 

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