Government advertising back without the innovation
Tuesday, 01 March 2016
Is it just me or has there been a blissful absence of "how good are we" government ads for the past few years?
Remember the days of the carbon tax and mining tax - memorialised at 2UE here?
Thanks to Chairman Mal, they're back. $17.5M to Harold Mitchell to tell us how innovative Malcolm is. A website and commercials to tell girls they look better if they exercise. And now from The Rudd copybook, Building the Advertising Revolution.
Hard to score this one highly on the de-Bono innovation scale - the website even includes "campaign material" just in case you get sick of the ads on telly, radio and in the press. In these languages:
Translated radio
- Arabic MP3: 1.8MB
- Cantonese MP3: 1.2MB
- Croatian MP3: 1.5MB
- Greek MP3: 1.5MB
- Italian MP3: 1.8MB
- Macedonian MP3: 1.5MB
- Mandarin MP3: 0.9MB
- Serbian MP3: 0.9MB
- Spanish MP3: 1.5MB
- Turkish MP3: 1.5MB
- Vietnamese MP3: 1.5MB
Translated print
- Arabic PDF: 3.3MB
- Chinese – Traditional PDF: 3.1MB
- Chinese – Simplified PDF: 3.1MB
- Croatian PDF: 3.3MB
- Greek PDF: 3.3MB
- Italian PDF: 3.1MB
- Korean PDF: 3.6MB
- Macedonian PDF: 2.9MB
- Serbian - Cyrillic PDF: 2.9MB
- Serbian - Latinic PDF: 2.9MB
- Spanish PDF: 2.9MB
- Turkish PDF: 3.3MB
- Vietnamese PDF: 2.9MB
Where are those roads being built again?