Could Mike Baird be more out of touch? And warnings from the wise on the folly of pretending
Turnbull on his achievements. Continuity with change and an innovation agenda that's an innovation itself.

Hillary Clinton "if you see a bully, stand up to him". Unless the bully is Hillary, if so ask for $1M and settle for $500K.

Anti-sexism campaigner Hillary presumes all bullies that need to be stood up to are men. 

This just in from the Washington Times.

Hillary Clinton goes after Trump in AIPAC speech: ‘If you see a bully, stand up to him’

Presumably if it's a woman like Hillary who's doing the bullying, don't stand up to her.   Just trust that the bimbo so-called victim deserved it.


Humiliation of Hillary Clinton: She spouts feminism but even women say she's a dishonest bully 

  • Hillary Clinton lost the New Hampshire primary to Bernie Sanders
  • 83 per cent of Democratic voters under the age of 30 voted against her
  • Bernie Sanders also won 78 per cent of first-time voters
  • Donald Trump pulled away from the Republican field winning 35 per cent 

During the decades I have been a BBC reporter, I have interviewed thousands of people: angry people, sad people, political duckers and weavers, serious thinkers — all human life.

But nothing prepared me for the day after Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party presidential nomination in 2008. You might remember it for the balloons and tears of joy inside the building. I remember it for one interview outside.

‘How do you feel?’ was my imaginative question. But it was enough. The woman let rip. Ghastly, she said. Devastated. Bitter. In fact, she told me: ‘I was raped as a teenager but I have never felt as violated as I do today.’

A fight on her hands: Hillary Clinton with husband BillA fight on her hands: Hillary Clinton with husband Bill

My jaw dropped. We couldn’t use her comments on the news. Too tasteless and offensive, particularly given the racial tinge — the victor being a black man and Hillary a white woman — but those words have stuck with me since.

Read more: 

Hillary Clinton bullied Bill’s ‘victims’ into silence, says Donald Trump

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Hillary Clinton speaks in Keota, Iowa.


Hillary Clinton’s claim to be a champion for women — one of her key political assets — is under attack as Donald Trump draws fresh attention to her husband’s history of philandering.

Mrs Clinton, the overwhelming favourite to be the Democrats’ presidential nominee, is striving to shatter what she has called the “highest, hardest glass ceiling” — the barrier that has, for more than two centuries, kept a female from the Oval Office. In recent days, however, Mr Trump’s campaign has attempted some political jujitsu: it is portraying Mrs Clinton as an enemy of women, saying she abetted her husband’s alleged sexual predations by bullying his victims into silence.

A war of words between the two escalated over the weekend after it emerged that Mr Clinton will begin to campaign for his wife next month. “Hillary Clinton has announced that she is letting her husband out to campaign but he’s demonstrated a penchant for sexism, so inappropriate!” Mr Trump tweeted.


Vile woman.
