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Liberal MP Susan Ley says Australian Liberty Alliance is more dangerous to Australia than Islam

It is so upsetting to see another MP with an opinion on Islam based on meeting nice Muslims.  Susan Ley says that Muslims have nice little children and she challenges anyone who quotes the Quran or Hadith to tell those kids the truth about Islam and the perfect life of Muhammad.

“I challenge anyone who has these views to look at the children at that event in the eye and tell them that they come from a religion, a culture or a society which has its preferences, its roots or indications in terrorism,” she said.

That's it, that's the intellectual basis for determining that people who criticise Islam are a greater danger than the Islamists who kill and live as Muhammad lived.


Liberals wary of alliance’s ideology


Farrer MP and Health Minister Sussan Ley has blasted the Australian Liberty Alliance party as a “threat to an inclusive and tolerant Australian society”.

Jillian Pattinson asked from the crowd, at Monday’s Farrer forum at the Albury Club, about ALA candidate Ron Pike’s support for a 10-year ban on immigration to Australia from most Islamic countries.

Ms Ley said there was a chance the ALA could win Senate seats and the Liberals had preferenced them last.

She had dined with the Border’s Islamic community at the Mirambeena Community Centre on Sunday.

“I challenge anyone who has these views to look at the children at that event in the eye and tell them that they come from a religion, a culture or a society which has its preferences, its roots or indications in terrorism,” she said.

Mr Pike said his party was not anti-Muslim but “the growth of radical Islam is raising its head across many countries in the Western world”.
