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Want to help stem the tide of Islam flowing into Australia? The Australian Liberty Alliance would like your help.

I don't want to give Mick's comment in his note below too much publicity by putting the details into the headline (which is run on Twitter) - but I did want to draw your attention to it.

Mick's been doing the hard yards on a pre-polling booth since it opened .   He tells us he believes the ALA primary vote is running at around 30%.  

If Mick's exit polling is on the money that's a phenomenal result.  It also shows the importance of having people manning the booths to remind voters about how to stem the Islamic tide.

Here's Mick - contact him directly if you can help.

G'day Michael, Mick Augustus here, I am a member of Australian Liberty Alliance..and have inherited the job of manning 30 polling booths in the electorate of Petrie in Queensland. I have been manning a pre-polling booth for the last two weeks..we are picking up about 30 % of the primary vote for our senate candidates, Bernard Gaynor and Alan Biggs..due to the lack of trust most people have with the RED, GREEN and BLUE political parties. I hate the idea of leaving even one polling booth unmanned on election day, as this is gifting votes to those who have taken Australia to our current situation. I am leaving no stone unturned in my search for poll booth workers, hence my email to you. If you, through your contacts, and high profile, can in in any way help me in my 'quest'...Australians will be the big winners...the current 'powers that be'....will receive a very powerful message. My mobile number is 0423370232, and email address  [email protected]     With thanks, Mick Augustus.
