On Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Mal Meninga.
Kevin Rudd's policy on restoring trust and integrity to government

Best news! Muso of WA is back in his best form.

After a weekend reviewing thousands of pages about Rudd's Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute alongside Clinton Foundation data I've just received the best news in ages.

Muso of WA is back and he is in his best form.

Muso, I have missed you.

Hi Michael,

Long time no see. I have, to put it mildly, been distracted. No MSN no MSM very little telly and no ABC at all!
Without boring you with too much detail, I am now in a space that is no longer the pre-death experience my retirement had turned into.
There is just so much going on and only so much absorption possible. The space chosen has very poor web connections and my awakened passion for clips that you saw fit to run has been submerged under a brand new life and style of living. All good.
Here is a comment that I wanted to make and after much spinning of the webwheel it uploaded. Hope you and your merry band of bloggers like it.
Muso of WA

Muso, as so often happens with your work, you've really moved me.

It's as if a Wendy Brown comment just sprung up.

Your work always touches a chord - I was unprepared in this piece for the face of an old mate Barnaby and when the words and images match like they did at that moment - it gets you where you live.

Welcome back old mate, great news on the health front, your work will always have a loving home here.

