Posts will be a little light today - I'm on the move.
18 months after incorporation, Clinton Aids Chairman Magaziner "doesn't know" about its structure

Clinton's "bottom of the harbour" AIDS business - tax free millions in contract with China's Communist Party

Screen Shot 2016-09-12 at 9.51.04 pmFred Eychaner is a gay, reclusive, 71 year old media mogul.

He calls his $500M wealth "a burden".

In 1992 Eychaner set up the Alphawood Foundation to share the load.

Over the years, Fred's become tens of millions of dollars lighter as a result.

But as fast as Fred gives the money away, his business puts it back. 

One man's burden has been a bonanza for the Clintons.

Barbara Joanna Lucas writing in Foundation Watch has Fred's measure:

Fred Eychaner is one of the most powerful political players and tycoons you’ve never heard of.

Last year Hillary Clinton dropped by at Fred's mansion for dinner.   Fred and friends showed their thanks by passing the hat around and handing the contents, a quarter of a million US dollars to Hillary's favourite charity.  Her campaign to be President.

Fred probably got a bit overexcited that night at the prospect of sleepovers in another Clinton White House.  When Eychaner's name is in the press it's usually around words like reclusive, secretive and did not return calls.  

But Fred was happy to show the world the Eychaner Clinton colours that night.

“Everybody working together needs to make Hillary the next president.” 

Well he would say that, wouldn't he?

Fred's Foundation has been funding Bill and Hillary's from the start.

But there's little joy in searching media reports for details of how much money we should be talking about.  

Fred gives money in his own name.  He also gives through his charity, the Alphawood Foundation.

He is listed on the Clinton Foundation’s website as among the elite donors who gave $25 million or more, and the website also reports that it received between $10,001 and $25,000 from Eychaner’s Alphawood Foundation. But the Alphawood Foundation’s IRS filings show it contributed $7.25 million from 2003 to 2007. The Clinton Foundation said Alphawood’s $7.25 million is included in Eychaner’s total, while Alphawood executive director James McDonough explained that his “understanding is that they’ve lumped all our donations under Fred Eychaner’s name” (Politico, May 20, 2015).

“If you want to try to go to a sports analogy, that’s a career total for support starting in 2001, for the library and for HIV and for everything else along the way, for general operating support sometimes and for their endowment,” Eychaner said. “So, it’s all reported. None of it is lacking in transparency” (Bloomberg, May 20, 2015)

Fred's been my Rosetta Stone in helping decipher the Clinton code.   


Relevance Deprivation Syndrome

"On Saturday January 20, President Clinton made his final trip aboard Air Force One leaving Washington, D.C. for Chappaqua, N.Y., his new home."

That's the first story reported in the "News" page of the Clinton Presidential Centre (Clinton Foundation) website, first published in February 2001.

"This site, in conjunction with the Center currently being built in Little Rock, Arkansas, will showcase the legacy of the Clinton Administration as well as Bill Clinton's ongoing work with his Presidential Library and Foundation".

The story of the Clinton Foundation itself isn't showcased so proudly.  Critical details of its history have been deleted, hidden away or re-written.  No one has "showcased" the Foundation because anyone who's tried hits hurdle after hurdle in research trails that turn into dead ends and compliant silence from people who should know better.
In 1997 while Clinton Foundation founder Skip Rutherford was filing the paperwork for his Clinton Foundation, the founders of another tax-exempt corporation behind a library were cataloguing their first pages.
Like the Clinton Foundation, the Internet Archive is a 501c3 charity.  The Library it operates has a very large space devoted to Bill, Hillary and the Clinton Foundation. 
And its Wayback Machine contains a perfect copy of Rutherford's Clinton Foundation website made on 21 February, 2001 at three in the morning.
Other than news from Bill's final 40 minute flight, the news section is bare.  There are no events "while the President takes a well-earned rest" and the history page has just the one story about Bill.
But even with so little to work with, the Internet Archive caught a glimpse of what's causing so much trouble with the Clinton Foundation.
It took a force of nature to transform Clinton's eponymous Presidential Library into the Lernaean corporate monster we're learning about today. 
On the day its website first went live, Skip Rutherford published a quote from Bill Clinton that explains why.
"In the years ahead I will never hold a position higher or a covenant more sacred than that of president of the United States".   
Clinton was right.  But that hasn't stopped him trying.

The Flavour of the month

For a couple of years after he left the White House, Clinton couldn't decide what causes had been dear to his heart during his stay there.
He worked from a taxpayer funded office in New York with all the trappings of the Office of the Former President.  His wife Hillary was a Senator for the State.  Working in that office for those first two years drummed in the message - Bill used to be someone.  The office of the "Former" president was its own constant reminder of the glory days.
During those first two years out of office the Clinton Foundation's monthly pages give off a sense of Bill being a bit lost and aimless.  He was relatively young and for want of a clear direction Bill flirted with some bizarre projects you'll read more of later.
For the first two years of Bill's after office life, the Foundation's directors continued constructing a library for him.  Continuing the Presidential lifestyle was emerging as more of a priority for Bill.   The Presidential Foundation bearing his name was the perfect vehicle.  It was a ready made structure with an official sounding title and the added bonus of exemption from the drudgery of taxation.
The first significant public departure from the library project for the Clinton Foundation came two years after Clinton left office.  

On 5 February 2003 a Foundation Programs page first appeared on the Foundation website.  At that time two were listed, someone else's idea called City Year and Bill's own contribution the Harlem Small Business Pilot Program

In August 2002 the Clinton HIV/Aids Initiative had started operating in The Bahamas but very little was said about it by the Foundation.  Clinton's longtime friend Ira Magazine was introduced as the "Initiative's" Chairman, a term generally used in relation to a discrete entity.   The precise nature of the Initiative Magaziner chaired was seldom made clear.

While the HIV/Aids Initiative got underway in its Bahamian offshore tax haven, the increasingly Clinton-controlled Foundation website published this Overview.

The mission of the William J. Clinton Foundation is to strengthen the capacity of people in the United States and throughout the world to meet the challenges of global interdependence. To accomplish this mission, the Foundation currently focuses its work in four critical areas:

Economic empowerment of poor people;

Racial, ethnic and religious reconciliation;

Leadership development;

And, Citizen Service.

The Foundation works principally through partnerships with like-minded individuals, organizations, corporation and governments, often serving as an incubator for new policies and programs. Former President Clinton established the Foundation and advances its mission by using his vast public and private networks to initiate research, dialogue and action.

The founder and chairman of the Clinton Foundation was about to take a hit where it hurts, right in the fiduciaries as the Clinton control over the Foundation grew stronger.  Clinton's influence was pulling the Foundation further and further from the tight purpose for which it was authorised to operate.   

On 23 June 2003 Bill had grown the list of two programs to this portfolio:

Foundation Programs

Since leaving office in January 2001 President Bill Clinton in conjunction with the William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation has continued his work on many issues that defined his administration, including: the economic empowerment of the poor; racial, ethnic and religious reconciliation; and the education and health of young people.

International AIDS Trust
The International AIDS Trust was established to create strategic opportunities for galvanizing leadership, mobilizing resources, and promoting effective interventions in the global battle against AIDS. The International AIDS Trust is a single-focused non-governmental organization. For more information, visit

Racial, Ethnic and Religious Reconciliation
President Clinton traveled to Northern Ireland to dedicate the William J. Clinton International Peace Center in Enniskillen. The William Jefferson Clinton International Peace Center is based at the Higher Bridges project building on the site of the IRA bombing. The new center will focus on peace-building in Ireland and overseas and will cement a long-term relationship between President Clinton and the province. This project is important to both President Clinton and his Foundation. One of the William J. Clinton Foundation mission's focus areas includes religious reconciliation. 

If you are interested in reading about the President's trip, click here and here.

For further information, please contact Stella O'Leary at [email protected].

Citizen Service
President Clinton recently held a youth conference at Georgetown University. To read about the DC Youth Summitt, click here.

As President, Bill Clinton asked young people to serve their country by addressing the needs of their fellow citizens in big cities or small towns, in good times or when disaster struck. By the end of his administration, nearly 250,000 young Americans had heeded the call to serve in AmeriCorps, the national service program that President Clinton founded. To further increase opportunities for citizen service, President Clinton renewed his decade-long association with City Year through its launch of the Clinton Democracy Fellowship Program. President Clinton first visited City Year in Boston almost 11 years ago. Today, City Year is the largest AmeriCorps program with sites around the country.

Beginning in March 2002, the Clinton Democracy Fellowship program brought young leaders from other countries to serve three-month fellowships with City Year's community service programs in America. The Clinton Fellows learn about citizen service and mobilizing people to address community problems, gaining skills that may be applies to solving problems in their home communities. The inaugural class of Democracy Fellows, a group of South African Youth, was the first step in keeping a promise that President Clinton made to former President Mandela-to help him build a "South AfriCorps" program.

The Clinton Foundation is also currently committed to help City Year establish new service programs in Little Rock, Arkansas and New York City.

Economic Empowerment of Poor People
In New York City, President Clinton has worked with the Robin Hood Foundation to promote the Earned Income Tax Credit program in the African American and Latino communities.

Also, the former President announced partnerships between the William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation, private sector companies, community leaders, small businesses and local schools.

The William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation launched The Harlem Small Business Pilot Program in cooperation with the Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce, the Harlem Business Alliance, Booz Allen Hamilton, New York University Stern School of Business, and the National Black MBA Association. The program will provide professional technical and managerial assistance to eight small businesses. The services provided by the Booz Allen-led consulting teams range from marketing to inventory management. The project partners hope to establish a program, which will serve and support many small businesses over time.

For more information, check out the Harlem Small Business Pilot Program press release.


By August 2003 the project of honouring Clinton's legacy as President of the United States of America included such dignifying contributions as the Clinton Presidential Cookbook.

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The recipe collection was perfect for a Foundation which was about to cook its books deluxe.

The Former President had applied the semantic genius that re-defined "is" to a new definition of "constructing a presidential library through a 501c3 non-profit specific purpose charitable foundation".

23 June 2003 is the first day the Internet Archive source code displays for the Foundation's use of the term "Clinton Foundation HIV/Aids Initiative".
It's listed in an entry "Foundation: Current Work".

The Foundation works principally through partnerships with like-minded individuals, organizations, corporation and governments, often serving as an incubator for new policies and programs. Former President Clinton established the Foundation and advances its mission by using his vast public and private networks to initiate research, dialogue and action.

Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative 

President Clinton continues to invest a large portion of his time and resources into combating the burgeoning global HIV/AIDS crisis. Through his Foundation, the former President initiated a project to assist hard hit developing countries in the implementation of integrated care, treatment and prevention programs that can reverse the course of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

And as for the employees - well they were employees in name but in June 2003 they weren't in the money.

Nearly fifty Clinton Foundation volunteers are currently working in Tanzania, Mozambique, Rwanda, the Bahamas, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and the six countries and three dependent territories that comprise the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), which are Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, British Virgin Islands, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the Caribbean.

Bill's purpose for the library foundation was about to include establishing all sorts of entities in all sorts of places.  Buying and selling pharmaceuticals would be in there.  So would pea and thimble tricks of shifting money around from entity to entity and making what appeared on the accounts in one year disappear, only to reappear in a different entity in an entirely different year.  Maybe even a different country.

Clinton's racially, religiously and ethnically unreconciled poor people would have to wait.  Bill had a new cause that had always been dear to his heart.  HIV/Aids.

The UN, World Health Organisation, Gates Foundation and tens of thousands of government and non-government organisations had been hard at work on the human immunodeficiency virus for years when Bill started his presidency.   

Almost 3 years after it ended, Bill discovered what continuing his Presidency's work meant.

It included a formal partnership between China's Communist Party and the Clinton Foundation.   Sham entities, sham invoicing, collusion with the corrupt and millions upon millions of black money dollars.   And lots of Fred Eychaner's millions funded it.


Charity begins at home but the big bucks are in China

Bill Clinton wanted to reshape the market for Aids medicines.

His clinical reasoning told him there were heaps of potential buyers for Aids medicines, but the boutique style high prices were putting them off.

In October 2007 Bill told The Atlantic magazine what he was trying to do with his charitable Foundation.  The magazine's sub-editors gave the story a headline that might well have come from the IRS itself in a letter that could have closed the Clinton Foundation for good.

"This is not charity"

Clinton can and certainly does raise money, but he didn’t have enough to endow a major grant-making foundation. What he did have was an ex- presidential bully pulpit, a deep Rolodex, the power to attract attention and talent, and an inkling that those assets might be used to do for public goods something like what entrepreneurs and investment bankers do in the corporate world: midwife new markets or scale up underdeveloped ones. The idea is to identify markets that aren’t supplying enough socially beneficial goods or services to meet the potential demand, and then to lead them to a new equilibrium. “What we tried to do,” Clinton says, “was to get them to go from what I call a ‘jewelry-store model’ to a ‘grocery-store model’—from a high-profit, low-volume, uncertain-payment business to a low-margin, high-volume, certain- payment business.”

Bill made Ira the Chairman of the Initiative and Ira was clear about what Bill wanted done.

So the foundation went to governments in Africa and the Caribbean and organized demand for AIDS drugs, obtaining intentions to place large orders if prices could be cut. It simultaneously went to drug companies, offering them a much larger and less-volatile market for AIDS drugs in return for lower prices based on the projected higher volume. Although the foundation asked for aggressive “forward pricing” to kick-start demand, it pointedly did not ask for donations or charity. “To be sustainable,” says Magaziner, “this can’t be a charitable act.” Rather, the foundation was offering a business proposition: If we get you the demand, can you get us the supply?

Compelling logic underpins Magaziner's conclusion that offering the dregs of the drug industry "a much larger market for Aids drugs" can't be a charitable act.

But it's not the morality of what he and Clinton did that drove the comment.

It's not the ethical dilemmas arising from the link between the spread of a deadly disease and profit.

It's the L-A-W law in the United States, decided in a court case long before Ira and Bill starting flirting with drug distribution.   Flogging pharmaceuticals is a prohibited activity for non-profit corporations trading under a 501c3 tax exemption.  

No further correspondence was necessary.  For offending organisations who were caught out, the result of not sticking tightly to the tax-exempt purpose approved by the IRS was terminal.   

Magaziner's comment that the Clinton Aids business "can't be a charitable act" is worded similarly to the "charitable purpose" test used by the IRS.  Entities which stray from the straight and narrow "charitable" acts or purposes for 501c3 status receive a written revocation from the IRS explaining the consequences of their loss of tax exemption.  All the activities and all the business going right back gets the fine tooth comb "charitable purpose" going over from the IRS.  That would be bad for anyone but devastating for a Presidential Library Foundation, even for a President as shameless and incapable of embarrassment as Bill.   Because it's not just the 501c3 entity that gets hit for back taxes, so does every taxpayer who donated.

Magaziner made his comments just before October 2007.  That was after Eychaner, China, the pallets of pharmaceuticals and the missing millions.  It was after the original CHAI, the "Clinton HIV/Aids Initiative Inc" was stripped of assets and sent to the bottom of the harbour.  

It was just before Clinton and his Chairman Magaziner incorporated a brand new CHAI.   The "Clinton Health Access Initiative" re-wrote the Clinton Foundation's history.  The first CHAI couldn't be sleeping with the fishes - because according to Clinton et al's new story, it never existed. 

We've published details of a sham corporate entity in Papua New Guinea, the "Clinton HIV/Aids Initiative - PNG Inc".

We've published details of what appears to be a similar entity domiciled in an offshore tax haven, the "Clinton Foundation HIV/Aids Initiative - Bahamas".

Shameful maladministration by governments including Australia's has helped Clinton in his coverups.  When the Australian Government was asked to rewrite history by removing references to the Clinton Foundation HIV/Aids Initiative Inc and replacing those references with the Clinton Health Access Initiative it complied.   Clinton claims the Clinton Health Access Initiative was started in 2002.  No amount of help in rewriting contractual recitals can change the problem for the master-back-dating Bill Clinton.  

CHAI 2 started trading in 2010.  

CHAI 1 was alive and well and receiving money from some time in 2003 until well into 2007.

Politico was particularly prescient in its report about the Clinton Foundation and the "break glass in case of emergency" funder of last resort Fred Eychaner.

He is listed on the Clinton Foundation’s website as among the elite donors who gave $25 million or more, and the website also reports that it received between $10,001 and $25,000 from Eychaner’s Alphawood Foundation. But the Alphawood Foundation’s IRS filings show it contributed $7.25 million from 2003 to 2007. The Clinton Foundation said Alphawood’s $7.25 million is included in Eychaner’s total, while Alphawood executive director James McDonough explained that his “understanding is that they’ve lumped all our donations under Fred Eychaner’s name” (Politico, May 20, 2015).

Fred Eychaner appears to be intimately involved in the financing of Bill Clinton's diversification from commemorating a legacy to flogging dodgy drugs.

On 23 October 2003 the "Office of Former President William Jefferson Clinton" announced an "Agreement on Major Reduction in Price of AIDS Drugs" from the likes of Indian companies Matrix, Cipla and Ranbaxy.

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Bill went to India for photos with the smiling Singh brothers, owners of Ranbaxy Laboratories.

These men were the dregs of the illegal drug trade producing unreliable generic copies of patented drugs.

Bill visited to help tell the world of Ranbaxy's glee at "joining hands" with his library.


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Ranbaxy Joins Hands with Clinton Foundation on Drugs for HIV/AIDS


Monday, October 27, 2003 4:48PM IST (11:18AM GMT)

New Delhi, Delhi, India

Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited (Ranbaxy), announced the signing of an agreement with The William Jefferson Clinton Foundation that will lead to a significant reduction in the price of HIV/AIDS drugs. This initiative will bring Anti Retroviral drugs (ARVs), now regarded as life-saving and essential drugs in many countries, within easy access to millions of people suffering from HIV and AIDS in developing countries.

The agreement covers countries in Africa and the Caribbean regions like, South Africa, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Haiti, The Bahamas, Dominican Republic, and The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States. Around 1.5 to 2.0 million patients are estimated to benefit from this programme by 2008.

Presently, the agreement covers fixed dose combination of 

  • Triviro-LNS Lamivudine+Stavudine+ Nevirapine), 
  • Aviro-LZN (Lamivudine+Zidovudine+Nevirapine), 
  • Coviro (Lamivudine+ Stavudine), and Efavirenz. 

These drugs are already available in several countries.


Yes they were already available in several countries.  But "several countries" weren't paying money to Bill like the Ranbaxy boys did.

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Screen Shot 2016-09-13 at 7.10.00 amJust after Bill's visit to Ranbaxy, a man called Dinesh Thakuran joined the company.

He was a pharma industry executive with a solid background in other legitimate pharma businesses.

Thakur knew what he was on about when he told his bosses the data required by the FDA to prove the effectiveness of Ranbaxy drugs was dodgy.

"The data's important because the FDA or other agencies globally look at that information to give you marketing authorization to sell the drug," Thakur says. "We started getting the files, and, lo and behold, we find that none of that exists in the first place. ... It means that we've gotten approvals from the FDA to sell drugs that were based on no data, or data that was fraudulent."

No one could say with certainty what was in any pills that came out of the Ranbaxy factory.  No batch-linking to the data created during the manufacturing process could ever be supplied because it did not exist.  If any files were created they were products of a wishful thinker with a creative information.  The brothers Singh did nothing.

"I was dumbfounded," he says. "I've worked in this industry for 11 years at that point and never seen such callous behavior."

He points to an incident where his young son was prescribed a Ranbaxy antibiotic for a fever.

"He kept getting worse, so we got another company's formulation and the fever went away," he says, adding that incident made him realize "I had to do something."

Meanwhile Bill was in India for photos with the men behind the killer drugs the Clinton Foundation sent around the world into a market for misery it had created for the purpose.


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On 4 August 2004 the World Health Organisation banned the very drugs from the dodgy brothers that were at the heart of Clinton's discount drugs warehouse deals.

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Here's a snapshot of the drugs removed from the approved list, followed by a snapshot of the Ranbaxy release naming the drugs in the Clinton agreement.

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Clinton made much of his "exclusive" contract and its list of pharmaceuticals available at cheaper prices.

In fact the prequalification programme list was a WHO publication first sent out in 2001.

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In WHO's own words:

  • The list of prequalified medicinal products is used principally by United Nations agencies - including UNAIDS and UNICEF - to guide their procurement decisions.  But, the list has become a vital tool for any agency or organization involved in bulk purchasing of medicines, be this at country level, or at international level, as demonstrated by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.


Dinesh-thakurIn 2005, Thakur blew the whistle.  Amongst other places Thakur took his information to the US FDA.

The FDA took him seriously.

Its investigation found Ranbaxy had a "persistent ... pattern" of submitting "untrue statements."

On at least 15 new generic drug applications, auditors found over 1,600 data errors. The FDA concluded that their drugs were "potentially unsafe and illegal to sell."

In 2008, the FDA prohibited Ranbaxy from shipping drugs to the U.S. from two Indian plants. But the company continued to sell drugs in the U.S. from its other Indian facilities.




Clinton knew all about that.  Anyone remotely connected to the pharmaceutical industry knew all about it.   It was all over the WHO and UN websites and was common knowledge openly discussed at the many "global fora" where Bill delivered keynote speeches.

By 2013 the US Department of Justice found Ranbaxy was guilty of major frauds and fined the company $500M.     

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The Singh boys walked away scot free.   Under the Obama administration that was justice.  The Singhs sold Ranbaxy to Daiichi after a few years of inflated sales volumes thanks to the Bill and Ira drug distribution racket.   Daiichi ended up with a dented reputation and a fine for half a billion dollars.

Here's one half of the sinning Singhs with the purchaser of his lemon in 2008.

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Now glance up at the US Justice Department snapshot.  Its lengthy investigations, court cases and internal processes were finalised in May 2013.

Just weeks ahead of Obama's Justice Department's final announcement, Bill Clinton had one last thing he wanted to do for his dodgy friends at Ranbaxy.



When I first heard the heartbreaking story of the drug industry's dealers in death and their known associate William Jefferson CLINTON I wrote to Australia's Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.

I wanted to know if Australian taxpayers had paid for any of Clinton's deadly drug deals.  Turns out we did.

The important things to the Minister were apparently the date it all happened (prior to 2013, her Department pointed out, the date the current Minister took office) and the fact that we only paid for a "small amount" of Clinton's killer drug total.

Here's a screenshot of this website's 31 March 2016 story.

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That lengthy article ended like this.

Because of Clinton's impeachment, court findings about his perjury and broader dishonesty, Clinton was not a fit and proper person to be associated with a US charity.   And until 2013 he didn't and couldn't hold an office in the charitable foundation that bore his name, the one that was registered in the United States to raise money for a "presidential library".

That didn't stop the Australian Government signing a useless Memorandum of Understanding with the fraudster in 2006.

Nor did it stop us handing over  around $80M of taxpayer money to the foundation bearing his name.

Nor did it stop this, as DFAT told me in a statement last week:

“Prior to 2013, a small amount of Australian aid money was expended on Ranbaxy pharmaceutical products in Papua New Guinea to support the PNG Government’s health programs.”

Kind regards

Media Liaison Officer

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Ho hum.  A small amount of smoking gun.   Perhaps not so small if it's you or your mum who got the Ranbaxy dodgy drugs.

Clinton has star power.   His name sells.   Politicians of all hues love to be photographed with him.

Here's Alexander Downer after signing the dodgy MOU in 2006.

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Here's Julie Bishop re-signing a deal with the CHAI (no, not the de-registered Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative Inc that we contracted with, this is the all new CHAI, the Clinton Health Access Initiative) in 2013.

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Clinton is a crook, pure and simple.   I've reported on the US court findings here on this website.   I've shown you the emails from US regulators.   What is it with our politicians who are prepared to excuse the inexcusable?


And that's not the worst of it.

In Part Two of this expose, the new documents linking Fred Eychaner's millions to Bill's contract with the Communist Party in China.

Here's a preview.


On 6 November 2003 the "Office of William J. Clinton" announced a new partnership to improve AIDS prevention, education and treatment in China. 

On 10 November 2003 Clinton launched the "Chinese AIDS Initiative" in Beijing.

William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation
President Clinton’s commitment to the fight against AIDS was extended to China when he launched CAI at the November 10, 2003 AIDS Summit hosted by Tsinghua University, CMAS/PUMC and ADARC. While in Beijing he also visited AIDS patients and met privately with Chinese leaders to stress the urgency of a robust government response. The Clinton Presidential Foundation is committed to helping China mobilize against HIV/AIDS and President Clinton has pledged his continuing personal support for CAI’s work.

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Part Two coming up

