Moving Forward
Thursday, 08 September 2016
Thank you for keeping us going here for the past four years together.
I've been resident for a while now in a country in South East Asia keeping my costs and overheads low.
Time has flown and my Visa is just about expired. In a few days I'll be on the move again staying one step ahead of the Lakemba faction and alert but not alarmed about the Clintons.
One of the real joys of this time came about following our story of the palatial mansion and cars that World Vision sponsors pay for in Vientiane Laos.
One of our readers got in touch and we decided to cut out the middle man by delivering a bit of ongoing support ourselves.
Our reader and I have had the joy of helping a young mum and dad whose first baby was born 2 months premature in a place where the hospital system is quite different from Australia's. There's no social security and if you don't have money you die.
While the little guy was in neonatal intensive care in hospital his mum experienced something she could never have imagined happening to her. She got to go to a department store and kit her little one room apartment out with a cot and some clothes for her little man.
And as I've been writing here the little baby's lungs grew stronger - against the odds and frankly our expectations he was allowed to go home with his mum and dad.
This was him a day or so out of intensive care.
And together we've watched him grow into the little man he is now.
That little family will stay in touch and our reader in Australia and I will make sure they're looked after once I leave. There's a lump like a football in the throat thinking about it right now!
I have good reasons not to be in Australia doing when I've been doing, particularly after Hadley stirred up the faithful.
On an Australian cost basis, I wouldn't have been able to keep this website going until now, in fact it's only now that I've been able to write about some of the things that happened along the way. I thought I'd never be able to write about this next bit out of sheer embarrassment but I slept in my car quite a few nights in Sydney looking out for free wifi and somewhere to charge the laptop like Maccas.
It hit me like a ton of bricks when that Google thing decimated our audience and the income I was living on. Then the Kathy Jackson affair cut more from the support base but we batted on and we're still here with the same values courtesy of the boy at 7 being given to Sr Frances and St Joseph's for a year.
I've really felt it drying up too in the past few weeks with the sheer time and focus this Clinton coverage has chewed up. With the AWU affair you watched it happen and so the narrative was clear as missing bits of the puzzle dropped into place. With the Clinton thing no one knows what the overall picture looks like and so it's mentally quite trying and not particularly satisfying or entertaining to watch the early evidentiary construction blocks getting put together. And it is just so time consuming - I know a few readers understand what I'm talking about but when you're looking for esoteric tell tale traces missed by others and not thrown up on search engines in the 1 hit in one thousand doccos type range you have to have a lot of time on your side.
I've always had the same mantra, every touch leaves its trace and frauds like the Clintons and Gillard are investigated on the documents.
I feel confident now in saying that the narrative and direction that story is headed and the importance of exposing the Clintons and what they've cost us is becoming much clearer and I hope to be able to make it clearer yet in the next few days.
I'll keep on keeping at it while you think what we're doing here is worthy of your support.
Michael Smith
National Australia Bank
BSB: 084855 Acct No: 537650476