DFAT seeks extension of time on advice to PNG Police about Clinton's sham incorporated association fraud
Moving Forward

Part Two of my response to your feedback about the Clinton Foundation

Previously we spoke about Gillard shutting down media enquiries into her role in The AWU Scandal and me leaving radio to run this site on the web.

Act One

When Gillard was put forward for a professorship at Adelaide University I wrote referring them to court documents like the police search warrant suggesting the University pause before appointing her.

Act Two

When the Brookings Institution announced Ms Gillard as a Fellow our readers wrote in large numbers referring the Institute's leadership to various exhibits on this website about the police investigation into her offending.

Act Three

The big appointment for Gillard was as Chair of the  Global Partnership for Education, the Clinton Foundation aligned NGO that Gillard had arranged to pour hundreds of millions of Australian taxpayer dollars into.

This was the biggie, the payoff.

Hillary Clinton wasn't going to let anything spoil the party.

This article from The Australian explains what happened to me that week.

  Screen Shot 2016-09-08 at 8.34.12 am
RADIO host Michael Smith wants the federal government to bring Google to account following a week in which the search giant blocked search access to his news website claiming it was “a known malware distributor”.


An angry Smith said the claim was defamatory and rubbish, and it was time for the government to consider laws to make Google accountable for its actions in denying access to users’ websites through search.

“Google’s market power situation has never arisen before in the history of commerce,” he said.

“Google regulates everyone on the internet, but no one is regulating Google.”

The former 2UE and now 2GB broadcaster says that from Sunday, Google had denied at least 30,000 Australians from accessing his website michaelsmithnews.com, where he has been highlighting corruption in the trade union movement.

The talkback host reached an out-of-court settlement to leave 2UE last year, following an unaired interview that made allegations about Julia Gillard’s former relationship with a union official.

Smith said users who searched his website using Firefox or Chrome browsers received the message: “Danger – malware ahead. Google Chrome has blocked access to this page …” and that his website was “a known malware distributor”, and visiting the site was “likely to infect your computer with malware”.

He said he used antivirus software assiduously, that no user had ever reported being infected with malware from his site, and that following a legal letter to Google Inc in the US, Google and he agreed his website didn’t contain malware.

However the Mountain View, California, global corporation had persisted with warning his readers by listing his website as “suspicious – visiting this website may harm your computer”. He is demanding Google remove all warnings immediately.

“Last Sunday we woke to the Abbott government’s announcement of a royal commission into corruption in trade unions,” he said.

“My website has focused on the issue of trade union corruption and I expected a large influx of visitors to the site. Instead of traffic to my website, I awoke to hundreds of emails, many with screen capture images showing what my readers saw when they tried to log on to my website.”

The warning included “a scary graphic of a masked bandit tiptoeing away with a sack full of money,” Smith said.

He says he subsequently lost about 80 per cent of website traffic.

Smith said he installed Google webmaster tools and a Google spreadsheet which nominated MadAdsMedia – a competitor to Google’s direct online advertising business – as the source of the security problem.

He said that he removed all traces of the MadAdsMedia software so he could get the roadblock to his website revoked.

“About 6am Monday, Google advised me that its review was complete and it sent me a message which stated: ‘We haven’t detected any security issues on your site”.

But on that day, his website remained blocked, and now five days later readers are still warned that his site is “suspicious”.

“Google’s statements about my site are false. Its own diagnostic products say there are no security issues with my website. But Google can do what it wants, exercising awesome power over the means by which my readers come to my site, hear about my site, judge the reputation and trustworthiness of my site, and communicate and interact with me.”

The Australian asked Google whether its decision to highlight malware on Smith’s website was a personally targeted action or automatic.

We asked Google why Smith’s website was listed as “suspicious” when Smith said he had cleared up issues with Google Webmaster tools.

And we asked whether there were outstanding issues/caveat now with Smith’s website.

In reply, Google Australia said: “We have a variety of resources on Google Webmaster Tools that can help webmasters identify if they’ve been a victim of a malware infection.

“Any determination that a site is infected is based purely on the content of the infected pages,” Google Australia said.


It was like Google selecting one person's Facebook page and doing that to them.  My website is hosted by a professional operation Typepad.  What Google did was malicious, intentional, targetted and conducted like a state-actor espionage attack.

On Sunday 9 February I went to sleep on my sister's sofa after posting this.


After an horrendous Sunday, we awoke on Monday to the announcement of Gillard as the Chair of the Global Partnership for education.


