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Newspoll a shocker for Mr Minus 30% Malcolm


The great Bleak has his mind right!

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News Corp spends a lot of money on Newspoll.

Shame their journalists are so out of touch on what the results mean.

The Government of Turnbull is on the nose.  

The Newspoll result is a shocker.

Turnbull owns the result.

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The more people get to know Turnbull the less they like him.

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Turnbull turns people off.  He's a flim flam man.  Power for power's sake.

And we've all seen through him.


So what does The Australian's David Crowe focus on?  Abbott.

  • The Australian

The Coalition has taken a battering from voters amid deepening tensions between Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott, with the government trailing Labor by 45 to 55 per cent in two-party terms as the Prime Minister suffers another blow to his personal standing. 

The latest Newspoll, taken exclusivel­y for The Australian, revea­ls ­a slump in the Coalition’s primary vote to 34 per cent, five points lower than in the weeks before­ Mr Turnbull toppled Mr Abbott as prime minister.

Disaffected voters have driven Pauline Hanson’s One Nation to 10 per cent of the primary vote, more than doubling that party’s support since November, as its leader seeks to echo Donald Trump’s appeal to conservatives.

After days of dispute over Mr Abbott’s call for a shift in government direction and a political fight over a Fair Work Commission decisi­on to cut Sunday and public holiday penalty rates, more voters have deserted the Coalition in favour of Labor and One Nation.

Labor’s commanding lead in two-party terms is its strongest resul­t since the outbreak of Coal­ition disunity in early 2015, when Mr Abbott faced a spill motion in the Liberal partyroom but Mr Turnbull declined to launch an outright challenge.

Mr Turnbull retains his lead over Bill Shorten as preferred prime minister but is being marked down personally, with voter satisfaction with his perform­ance tumbling from 33 to 29 per cent since the previous Newspoll, three weeks ago.

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann vented his frustration with Mr Abbott yesterday, saying his public call for a change in the government’s direction was “deliberately destruct­ive” and “com­plete­ly unhelpfu­l” to the Coalition’s cause. “I can’t see any scenario in which Tony Abbott would return to the leadership,” Senator Cormann said.

This is the eighth consecutive Newspoll where the Coalition has trailed Labor and the worst result for Mr Turnbull since he sought the leadership in September 2015, when he warned his colleagues that the government had lost 30 Newspolls in a row and that voters had “made up their mind” about Mr Abbott’s leadership.


Mr Turnbull’s satisfaction rating of 29 per cent is now one point below that of Mr Abbott at the time of the leadership spill.
