Peter Dutton on Abdel Magied ABC axing "One down, many to go" - Back your minister Malcolm!
AUSAID millions still pouring into Islamic State controlled southern-Philippines as President Duterte declares martial law

Mark Scott interviews Ahmed Fahour who defends his $5.6M salary, 'I was bemused as other CEOs were doing things to their secretaries......

Fahour starts talking about 10.30 in.

Fahour reveals he considered a career as an actor but missed  out on a movie role to Vince Colosimo.

About 40 minutes in the conversation turned to "what I'm getting paid".

"CEOs are well paid people, so to someone sitting there on $50,000, it doesn't matter what a CEO gets paid, it's too much".

"I was bemused (at the criticism) - it's not as if I held a gun to the government's head."

"I was bemused at the time because there were some CEOs that were doing things at the time that were not so great to their secretaries and not running their businesses very well.  But no one seemed to care about what they were getting paid".

The best I can say is this guy lives in a very different world from most of us.
