France offers asylum for persecuted climate grant recipients now denied taxpayer funding
Saturday, 03 June 2017
Once in a lifetime deal for climate spokesmodels, carbon derivative traders, green-energy finance brokers and allied professionals.
The small but perfectly formed President of France is calling you!
With climate change now out of favour in Washington, Paris is offering asylum to taxpayer funded persecuted minorities.
You'll only get one President Macron in your life, don't miss this opportunity to piss off, leave us alone and bludge on the French for a while.
So if you're down to the last few million in your clean energy fund and the final report is due, why not take the Paris option and become France's problem!
Hey Mr President - here are a few grant programs you can take over from us. We'll sell them to you at par, face value, only want what we paid for them.
(Please get your mum to sign the paperwork)
AEMO has been commissioned to undertake a study and report on potential 100 per cent renewable electricity generation in the National Electricity Market (NEM) for 2030 and 2050. |
The Australian Climate Change Science Program aims to improve our understanding of the causes, nature, timing and consequences of climate change so that industry, community and government decisions can be better informed. Administered by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. |
The AGEIS provides detailed greenhouse gas emissions data from the National Greenhouse Accounts. Administered by The Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. |
The Australian National Registry of Emissions Units (ANREU) is a system designed to meet one of Australia's commitments under the Kyoto Protocol. |
The Biodiversity Fund supports projects that establish, restore, protect or manage biodiverse carbon stores. Funding is provided for establishing mixed species plantings in targeted areas such as areas of high conservation value, wildlife corridors, riparian zones and wetlands. Administered by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Populations and Communities. |
$946M |
Carbon Farming Futures will provide $429 million over six years to ensure that advances in emissions reduction technologies and techniques will continue the evolution of management practices in the land sector towards emissions reduction and improved productivity. These advances will allow farmers and other landholders to benefit from the economic opportunities of the Carbon Farming Initiative while assisting Australia in achieving its long term emission reduction targets. Administered by the Departments of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. |
$429M |
The Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) is a carbon offsets scheme being established by the Australian Government to provide new economic opportunities for farmers, forest growers and landholders and help the environment by reducing carbon pollution. |
The Government will purchase non-Kyoto Carbon Farming Initiative credits, which cannot be purchased by companies with responsibilities under the carbon pricing mechanism. |
$250M |
The ongoing Carbon Farming Skills initiative will ensure that landholders have access to credible, high quality advice and carbon services. |
Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum focuses on cooperation to develop and apply technologies for the separation and capture of carbon dioxide for its transport and long-term safe storage. Secretariat administered by the United States Department of Energy. |
The Australian Government is committed to working with local communities to address the challenges of coastal growth and climate change. |
$325M |
The Charities Maritime and Aviation Support Program offers a rebate for the carbon price impact on essential maritime and aviation fuels used by charities. Managed by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. |
Through Clean Energy Future, the Government is investing $10 billion in a new commercially-oriented Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CFEC). |
$10BN |
Clean Energy Skills will provide the foundation for a new type of workplace skill set that will become increasingly more valuable as we transition to a low carbon economy. The Clean Energy Skills package will be delivered by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, in consultation with the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism and the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. |
$32M |
The Government’s $126 million Climate Change Adaptation Program is helping Australians to better understand and manage risks linked to the carbon pollution which continues to increase in our atmosphere and to take advantage of potential opportunities. Administered by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. |
$126M |
The Climate Change Authority has been created as an independent body of nine members with skills in science, economics, climate change mitigation, emissions trading, investment and business. Administered by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. |
The Australian Government has allocated $3 million toward the Climate Change Grant Program, which aims to help the Australian public understand the need to act on climate change and reveal the opportunities and benefits of a clean energy future. Administered by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. |
$3M |
Measures will help the coal sector transition to a carbon price. Administered by the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism. |
$1.3BN +$70M |
The Australian Government has invested $4.5 million to demonstrate effective approaches to adaptation in the coastal zone. Administered by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. |
$4.5M |
The Commercial Building Disclosure (CBD) program is a national program designed to improve the energy efficiency of Australia's large office buildings. |
Commercial Buildings Baseline Study |
This project was commissioned by the Australian Government Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE) as part of a joint Commonwealth, State and Territory Government work program under the National Strategy on Energy Efficiency (NSEE). |
The Community Energy Efficiency Program will support local councils and community organisations to undertake energy efficiency upgrades to council and community-use buildings, facilities and lighting. |
EEGO aims to improve energy efficiency, and consequently reduce the whole of life cost and environmental impact of Government operations, and by so doing, lead the community by example. |
Energy Efficiency Information Grants will help industry associations and non-profit organisations deliver information to their members about the impacts of a carbon price on small businesses and community organisations and suggest practical steps to manage these impacts. Administered by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. |
$40M |
An Energy Savings Initiative would place obligations on energy retailers to find and implement energy savings in households and businesses. |
The Energy Security Fund includes $5.5 billion in transitional assistance, in the form of allocations of free carbon units and cash payments, to highly emissions-intensive coal-fired generators. |
$5.5BN |
Measures to maintain secure energy supplies and ensure a smooth energy market transition as we move to a clean energy future. |
A partnership between the Australian Government and the Clinton Climate Initiative will extend the NCAS into the international arena for global monitoring of carbon emissions, improving the capacity of all countries to make robust forest assessments and to monitor and manage their forests. |
$273M |
Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) are used to convert masses of different greenhouse gases into a single carbon dioxide-equivalent metric. In broad terms, multiplying a mass of a particular gas by its GWP gives the mass of carbon dioxide emissions that would produce the same warming effect over a 100 year period. |
The Green Lease Schedule (GLS) is a formal commitment to energy efficiency and sets a minimum ongoing operational building energy performance standard for government leased buildings. |
The National Green Leasing Policy (NGLP) is the first nationally consistent approach by the Australian, state and territory governments, as tenants of buildings, to drive a reduction in the environmental impact of buildings through improved operational performance. |
The Green Loans program was an Australian Government initiative rolled out nationally on 1 July 2009 to promote and assist energy efficiency initiatives in Australian homes by providing free home sustainability assessments. The assessments were voluntary and provided householders with valuable information and advice on the actions they could take around their home to save energy and water. This program has closed. Administered by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. |
Disaster - $30M in compo |
The Greenhouse Friendly™ initiative has been operating since 2001 to certify carbon neutral products and services and approve abatement credits for sale on the voluntary market, including to Greenhouse Friendly™ certified product and service providers. Administered by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. |
Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning High Efficiency Systems Strategy (HVAC HESS) |
The Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning High Efficiency Systems Strategy (HVAC HESS) is intended to drive long term improvements in the energy efficiency of HVAC systems nationally. The HVAC HESS is measure 3.2.3 under the National Strategy on Energy Efficiency. |
The Australian Government's Home Insulation Safety Plan will help provide reassurance to households that had insulation installed under the now discontinued Home Insulation Program (HIP). Administered by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. |
The ongoing Indigenous Carbon Farming Fund will provide support for Indigenous Australians to implement projects under the Carbon Farming Initiative. Administered jointly by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. |
$22.3M |
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading body for the assessment of climate change and provides the world with a clear scientific view on the current state of climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic consequences. |
The Australian Government is investing $150 million through the Australian aid program over three years from 2008-09 to 2010-11 to meet high priority climate adaptation needs in vulnerable countries in our region. Jointly administered by the Australian Department of Climate Change and AusAID. |
$360M |
International Forest Carbon Initiative (IFCI) is a key part of Australia’s international leadership on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries. IFCI is jointly administered by the Australian Department of Climate Change and AusAID. |
$273M |
Assistance will be provided via free permits to businesses carrying out activities that have been formally assessed as being emissions-intensive and trade-exposed. |
$8.6BN |
Climate change is a global problem that requires a global solution. Australia’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at home are contributing to the international effort to reduce the risks of climate change. |
The Government will purchase non-Kyoto Carbon Farming Initiative credits, which cannot be purchased by companies with responsibilities under the carbon pricing mechanism. |
$1.7BN |
The website at provides the Australian community with clear, accurate information on energy, waste and transport efficiency. It includes information on government rebates and assistance. |
Local government is at the forefront of managing the impacts of climate change. The Australian Government is assisting local governments to prepare their communities for climate change. Administered by the Department of Climate Change. |
$2.4M |
The Local Government Energy Efficiency Program (LGEEP) will support local governing authorities install solar or heat pump hot water systems in local community facilities to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs. |
$24M |
Established by the Government to further support individual action by businesses. Low Carbon Australia will help to drive energy efficiency in commercial buildings and businesses. It is being established by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency |
$100M |
The Australian Government is supporting community and household action on climate change. Support is being provided to local councils, community organisations and low income households. |
$354M |
The Low Income Energy Efficiency Program will support consortia of community and welfare organisations, local councils, state and territory governments, energy service companies and energy retailers to trial approaches to assist low income households to improve their energy efficiency. |
$100M |
The establishment of a Multi-Party Climate Change Committee was announced on 27 September by the Hon. Julia Gillard, MP, Prime Minister of Australia. The Committee will explore options for the implementation of a carbon price and will help to build consensus on how Australia will tackle the challenge of climate change. |
National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) |
The National Australian Built Environmental Ratings Scheme (NABERS) is a performance-based rating system for existing buildings that rates a commercial office, hotel, or residential building on the basis of its measured operational impacts on the environment. |
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI) are two project-based flexibility mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol. These mechanisms are based on the principle that the benefit to the climate of reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the same regardless of where they are reduced. |
The National Buiding Energy Standard-Setting, Assessment and Rating Framework is intended to drive significant improvement in Australia's building stock through establishing a pathway for future increases in minimum building standards to 2020, and improving the approach to assessing and rating buildings. |
Australia’s National Carbon Accounting System (NCAS) is a world-leading system that accounts for greenhouse gas emissions from land based activities. Administered by the Department of Climate Change |
The Carbon accounting toolbox prototype enables land managers to track greenhouse gas emissions and removals to and from the atmosphere. Administered by the Department of Climate Change |
$16.1M |
Carbon offsets can be used to reduce an individual or company’s contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. They involve investment in projects such as tree planting, which lead to a reduction of emissions that would not have happened otherwise. Administered by the Department of Climate Change |
Covers a range of cooperative actions between all Australian governments to begin to address key demands from business and the community for information on climate change impacts and how to prepare for them. Administered by the Department of Climate Change. |
The Australian Government’s National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility is leading the research community in a national interdisciplinary effort to generate the information needed by decision-makers to manage the risks of climate change in areas such as water resources, health, emergency management and primary industries. |
$37M |
The National Construction Code contains requirements for energy efficiency for all building classes. Updates to the National Construction Code are managed by the Australian Building Codes Board. |
The Working Group has been established to prepare a report for the Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and the Minister for Resources and Energy on possible design options for a national Energy Savings Initiative. |
The National Savings Initiative Working Group (the Working Group) has been established to prepare a report for the Minister for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and the Minister for Resources and Energy on possible design options for a national Energy Savings Initiative. |
Australia publishes comprehensive reports on our greenhouse gas emissions in the National Greenhouse Accounts. Administered by The Department of Climate Change |
Under the NGER Act, any constitutional corporation that is a controlling corporation and meets a corporate reporting threshold, must apply to register and report energy consumption, energy production and greenhouse gas emissions. Administered by the Department of Climate Change. |
Grants offered to Australian schools each year up to $50 000 to install solar and other renewable power systems, solar hot water systems, rainwater tanks and a range of energy efficiency measures. Administered by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. |
$24M |
The NSEE aims to streamline roles and responsibilities across government by providing a nationally consistent and coordinated approach to energy efficiency. |
The Nationwide Home Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) provides a framework that allows various computer software tools and registered assessors to rate the potential energy efficiency of Australian homes. |
The Online System for Comprehensive Activity Reporting (OSCAR) is a web–based data tool for business to record energy and emissions data for Government program reporting. Administered by the Department of Climate Change. |
The Regional Natural Resources Management Planning for Climate Change Fund will help regional communities plan for the impacts of climate change, and maximise the benefits from carbon farming projects. |
$43.9M |
The Renewable Energy Bonus Scheme—Solar Hot Water Rebate closed on 30 June 2012. It assisted households to save money on power bills and reduce their carbon emissions. Administered by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. |
$323M |
Through its Renewable Energy Target (RET) Scheme, the Government has pledged that by 2020, 20 per cent of Australia’s electricity supply will come from renewable sources. Administered by the Department of Climate Change. |
The Regional Natural Resources Management Planning for Climate Change Fund will help regional communities plan for the impacts of climate change, and maximise the benefits from carbon farming projects. |
$350M |
Under the National Strategy on Energy Efficiency, Australian, state and territory governments have proposed requiring owners of existing houses, flats and apartments to provide energy, water and greenhouse performance information when selling or leasing their properties. |
The Government has established two roundtables to engage the business community and non-government organisations on its climate change policies. These roundtables will ensure that the views of the community and business are taken into account as the Government makes progress towards the introduction of a carbon price. |
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) announced the Select Council on Climate Change (SCCC) in February 2011 to support an effective response to climate change policy issues with national implications and to provide a forum for the Commonwealth to engage with the states, territories, local government and New Zealand on program implementation issues. |
The Australian Government's Solar Cities program is designed to trial new sustainable models for electricity supply and use, and is being implemented in seven separate electricity grid-connected areas around Australia. Administered by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, in partnership with local and state governments, industry, business and local communities. |
Carbon sink forests are grown for the dedicated purpose of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and are important in reducing Australia's greenhouse gas emissions. |
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) provides the basis for global action "to protect the climate system for present and future generations". |
Your Home provides information for consumers, designers and builders on how to design, build and live in environmentally sustainable homes. |