Someone's told Turnbull that security and fighting terrorists is an area where the LNP has traditionally been ahead of Labor.
So every chance he and his acolytes get they say something about it.
Apparently it doesn't matter what they say - as this slipshod insight shows.
Only 10 hours ago Sky News posted this interview with Minister Michael Keenan along with this summary:
Michael Keenan: Australia is not going to alter counter-terrorism measures as we already have a successful formula.
No change - successful formula hey?
Someone forgot to tell the GrandStander in Chief - because this is just in.
Homeland security office on the cards
Published: 6:10 pm, Wednesday, 12 July 2017
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has left the door open to a Home Office style agency to tackle terrorism and improve border security.
Mr Turnbull, who received an intelligence and security briefing in London on Monday, told reporters at a joint media conference with British leader Theresa May later he was 'always interested in learning about the British experience'.
'This is no place for set and forget,' he said.
'We have to be dynamic, agile constantly asking can we improve the way our agencies are keeping Australians safe.'
Integrating departments such as attorney-general, Australian Federal Police, ASIO, Australian Border Force and immigration has been resisted by some cabinet ministers.
Mr Turnbull was due to tell a Policy Exchange forum in London on Monday night the UK and Australia were united in tackling terrorism 'the starkest and most urgent enemy of freedom'.
He took aim at those who argue tougher measures to deal with online extremism and the use of encrypted communications by terrorists breaches civil liberties and freedom of speech.
'By fighting terrorism - with proportionate means - we are defending liberal values,' he will say.
'The privacy of a terrorist can never be more important than the safety of the public. The information security of a terrorist or child abuser must not be protected above the personal security of our children, communities, values.'
Mr Turnbull successfully convinced G20 members at the Hamburg summit to include in a statement on terrorism support for companies to provide access to encrypted communications where necessary.
The prime minister says Australia is a model for the UK and Europe in terms of dealing with refugees and border security.
'The lesson is clear: weak borders fragment social cohesion, drain public revenue, raise community concerns about national security, and ultimately undermine the consensus required to sustain high levels of immigration and multiculturalism,' he will say.