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Suicide pact - LNP Queensland cool-aid quaffers back Turnbull on Paris Climate Accord

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Queensland's LNP just put today's temporary Turnbull leadership before principles - and before Australia's interests.

The motion put to the LNP State Convention called on the Turnbull Government to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord.

LNP Queensland President Con Galtos responded:

I agree with the mover of this motion (about climate change crap - so far so good)

however we have a choice (However?  What you talkin' about "however"?)

we either stand with our American friends (& your principles, common sense, Australia's interests)

or we stand behind our Prime minister  (like lemmings)

Do we want to keep on undermining our Prime Minister? (Why not follow his example Con, worked for him on Tony Abbott)

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Thanks to Brisbane Times for this timely article.

LNP members' call for Australia to pull out of Paris Climate Accord voted down 

LNP members voted down a move to call on the Turnbull Government to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord at the LNP state convention in Brisbane on Sunday.

Two past Queensland LNP presidents strongly urged delegates from across the state to vote against the resolution.

The resolution, brought by party members from Toowoomba, wanted to call on the federal government to pull out of the accord, believing it to weaken Australia's sovereignty and economy.

However past president Con Galtos said the motion was "embarrassing".

"I am totally against global warming, and I agree with everything that the mover of this motion has stated, however we have a choice: we either stand with our American friends, or we stand behind our Prime minister and our government," he said.

"Do we want to keep on undermining our Prime Minister?

Another past president, Bruce McIver, said he was also a climate sceptic but it was important to support the federal government's decision.

"This motion is really about just putting the knife into the federal government," Mr McIver said.

"They've agreed on it on our behalf, and I think if we don't believe we should vote this down today we are doing them an injustice."

LNP delegate Alistair Barton said he agreed with the comments of Mr McIver and Mr Galtos, but it was important to consider One Nation's position on it.

"If we're going to win regional Queensland we need to consider items that will support the weakening of One Nation and that should be taken into account," Mr Barton said.

Delegate Gavin Goldner was angry about the federal government's decision, and urged other delegates to vote against.

"If the federal government can't stand up against the Paris accord what the hell are we doing here?" he said.
