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A couple of anniversaries

Latest GetUp email says Tony Abbott is behind the NO vote and its ads

From: Sally - GetUp! <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 11:30 AM
Subject: It's getting ugly
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear Naggers,

We can't let things turn ugly.

The 'No' campaign against marriage equality just launched its big-money TV ad — filled with the kind of deceitful scaremongering and prejudice we've seen from Tony Abbott in this debate.1 Their strategy is not just to keep committed LGBTIQ+ couples apart, but to divide the nation against itself.

That's why we have to act now to win this postal survey for equality. We respond with a giant on-the-ground campaign that brings people together around our shared values of equality and fairness. And we need to match their big ad budgets with a genuine grassroots movement to turn out Yes voters.

If we can all chip in together now, we'll reach millions of people with one-on-one phone conversations, and door knock thousands of 'Yes' voters to make sure they return their postal survey ballot.

It's hard and ambitious, but that's what it always takes to bend history towards equality. Or else we let Tony Abbott and the 'No' campaign define our future.

Chip in $12 to help the Yes campaign turn out every possible vote for equality.

The 'No' campaign can't win a campaign against a core value like equality. So, following Tony Abbott's lead, they're trying to confuse and divide people with irrelevant culture wars. And LGBTIQ+ young people are feeling the brunt of the attacks.

But we can beat their big budget attacks with a positive campaign that turns out the millions of Australians who believe in fairness and equality. Here's how:
  • Mass community calling program. Support thousands of equality campaigners with custom phone banking technology, so they can call those who support marriage equality to ensure they post their ballots back.
  • Door-to-door contact. Support volunteers to door knock their block the moment postal ballots arrive - covering prime target areas for Yes voters.
  • Digital outreach. Use digital ads to reach millions, following up with the likely Yes voters to ensure they vote, and recruit their friends too!
  • Tell our stories. In TV ads, on social media and in traditional media, we'll keep the focus on what this vote is actually about - equality and love.
Can you chip in $12 to support this epic plan to win marriage equality for all?

This is the last push we need to get equality over the line. Let's make history happen together.

Sally, for the GetUp team.

PS - With support from GetUp members, our allies are still fighting the postal survey vote in the High Court. A free vote in parliament remains the best, fastest and fairest way to achieve marriage equality. But with Tony Abbott and the 'No' campaign on the attack, and young LGBTIQ+ in harms way, we can't sit on our hands. Chip in today to stand up for equality against divisive fear and prejudice.

  1. Anti same-sex marriage campaign airs: 'School told my son he could wear a dress', News.com.au, 30 August 2017

GetUp is an independent, not-for-profit community campaigning group. We use new technology to empower Australians to have their say on important national issues. We receive no political party or government funding, and every campaign we run is entirely supported by voluntary donations. If you'd like to contribute to help fund GetUp's work, please donate now! This email was sent to xxxxxxxx To unsubscribe this email address from GetUp, please click here.

Our team acknowledges that we meet and work on the land of the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. We wish to pay respect to their Elders - past, present and future - and acknowledge the important role all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to play within Australia and the GetUp community.

Authorised by Paul Oosting, Level 14, 338 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000.



*I've changed the GETUP links to direct you to this website instead of theirs.

You know your support is always welcome here!
