While the Australian Parliament descended into farce..........
Wednesday, 16 August 2017
Was travelling today, Ralph and Ruby Blewitt and I met up and then travelled on together (for 7.5 hours) to our destination where we're now safely ensconced.
One thing I've learned about Asia is the way personal contacts can get things done. And so private citizens are making diligent enquiries of their Malaysian government's records about their country-woman Penelope Ying-Yen "Penny" Wong (born 5 November 1968).
Meanwhile, one of our parliamentary observers sent me this note:
Well have you missed a day in Parliament. It is absolutely disgusting the manner in which these people have behaved to-day.
A friend phoned me to say look at the Parliament and I did, I lasted about ten minutes. Turnbull accused Shorten of all kind of treason, I have no idea whether this would be true, there are many stories, but which ones are true?
Pyne of course joined the chorus Bishop made the most stupid remarks ever, I think they have all gone mad.
I think there are more dual citizenships coming on the liberal and perhaps labour side. There are five liberal may-be's. Shorten is making it worse of course as the News-poll I think it was said to-day 54-46 against. So Shorten thinks he can walk into The Lodge.
Next week Thursday the High Court will hear the case of the five, which includes Joyce. I have a feeling the G-G may have to step in as there must be more Labor as well. Perhaps they should stop Parliament, as it is a thorough mess.
I think Turnbull has it so wrong, as here they are arguing over citizenship, when the people do not care. This evening Steve Price was suggesting that we get rid of that bit in the Constitution, how stupid was he? I think it should be there.
One bright spark, I heard Pauline Hanson on the new media-laws, which she may agree with if the ABC is going to be curtailed in no uncertain manner and the terrible bias to be addressed!!!!
On the Victorian front the State government has stuffed up on the Swan Street Bridge road project, it will cost Millions more and take months more to complete.
They are going to construct a wharf, where we can receive gas, which we are going to import!!!!!!!!!
This government has banned the exploration of gas for another three years or so, so we now are going to buy it from Qatar, as they have just found out that they will be in short supply of gas this winter. The energy Minister is a woman a Ms Ambrosio, she is so stupid, like you will not believe, she should be sacked as right now. And you know we are sitting on so much gas and coal!
We are having a house-break-in every three hours in Melbourne.
So better stop there, I hope your days are working out better, are you getting things done? I hope you are pleased with your progress.
And so to the glamour of travel!