The colouring-in book that should kill Tim Wilson's career with the Liberal Party
Tuesday, 12 September 2017
Tim Wilson used his taxpayer funded printing allowance to get 10,000 copies of his colouring-in book printed and - get this - delivered to schools to be handed to the kids in his electorate.
Every page features him and the Liberal Party logo.
It also features his homosexual lover Ryan.
Ryan and Tim are helping the kids learn about new and different lifestyle opportunities.
It's bad enough the blatantly political advertising was made for kids.
Worse it was sent to schools.
But worse still is Wilson's effort to get between the way parents want their children raised and the way he sees the world.
Do what you want with whoever you want in your own time Tim.
But don't sell it to kids.
Don't use the Party's logo to legitimise your own decisions.
Here's the report in The Australian.
Lib sees red over colouring-in book critics
Victorian Liberal MP Tim Wilson has told critics to take a “reality check” over a taxpayer-funded colouring-in book featuring an image of him and partner Ryan walking their pugs that will be distributed to primary school children in his electorate of Goldstein.
Mr Wilson, who is gay, used his parliamentary communications budget to print 10,000 colouring-in books for primary school children and a further 5000 copies to help improve “mindfulness” for elderly Australians in aged-care facilities.
The books, which include depictions of places within his electorate in Melbourne’s southeast and across Australia, will be dropped off at schools before the final school term next month.
Mr Wilson, a prominent Coalition supporter of same-sex marriage who was attacked from within the Victorian Liberals earlier this year over his support for a free vote in parliament, has included an image of himself on almost every page of the colouring-in books alongside a “Liberal MP for Goldstein” logo.
The Australian can reveal the Victorian Education Department was last night investigating whether the promotional material for the Liberal Party had breached its School Policy Advisory Guide which does not typically allow political materials from being dispersed on school campuses.
“Community members will sometimes give schools materials to distribute to their students and community,” a departmental spokesman said. “Principals make decisions on whether these materials are appropriate to distribute.”
The advisory guide contains a protocol for school visits by MPs and notes the “distribution of any materials that convey partisan or party political activity” are “not appropriate and may breach obligations under the Public Administration Act 2004 and the Constitution Act 1975”.