Direct evidence linking GILLARD to WILSON'S corruptly obtained money - cheques, account numbers, handwriting - it's all here
What happened to the Kerr Street mortgage?

In conference with lawyer

On Thursday evening I was a little surprised to hear from my Australian lawyer - calling from Sydney airport with a boarding pass in hand.

We'd been trying to schedule a few days together in preparation for my private prosecution.  He'd had a cancellation on Friday which freed him up, so two flights and one land border crossing later we were earnestly in conference.

We have at least another 2 or 3 days work ahead of us.  I am not going to telegraph our punches, suffice to say he's a former detective inspector, police prosecutor and now at the bar specialising in criminal law.

These next few days will be quiet on the website - but there has been and will continue to be frenzied activity behind the scenes.
