From the Wilson confession files at Slater and Gordon
Michael Smith editorial on Gillard/Wilson/Murphy confessions

The Murphy/Wilson file in full

Here's the entire Murphy/Wilson file from Slater and Gordon.

Download Wilson central letter etc


Page 7 Handwritten note p1

B. Wilson                       14.8.95


Attended w B.W. pastedGraphic.png

Advised unable to act on his behalf b/c not prepared to be party to misleading union re WR Assoc. monies.

Very worried. Thought this meant we wld tell.

Advise him that cld not tell anyone. Completely prohibited.

Legal Prof. Priv. 

Different thing tho to sit idly by or co-operate with it including?? acting for him. pastedGraphic_1.png


Furthermore, he had lied to us about WR Assoc. He had instructed us to set it up.



Page 8 Handwritten note p2

, he had then received monies into it improperly.

Then he had spent the monies improperly.

Lied to us and involved us in criminal wrongdoing, re the house. 

Partners very angry about that.

Cld not act for him. Wld give him a letter that day which set this out.

He concerned re letter being posted or even couriered.

I said I wld hand deliver it.



Page 9 Handwritten note p3

Suggested another solicitor.

Spec. in crim. law.

?? not apparently interested.  pastedGraphic_2.png




Page 10 Letter from Bernard Murphy to BW


14 August 1995

Re: possible criminal prosecution

(Handwritten note) Original of this letter read by Paul Henderson 14/8/95 and hand delivered to Wilson at above address in Hendersons presence on 14-8-95. Signed ??




Page 11 Handwritten note


J.C. rang back. Concerned how our withdrawal was really b /c we were embarrassed about Wilson’s commitment to resignation/package and out of union.

Advised it was nothing to do with that & that I understood Wilson committed to leaving union with packages, with others.

Said I had spoken to Wilson about speaking to him directly

& he wld call him.



Page 12 Handwritten note




Advised unable to continue to act.

Possible conflict – we act for union.

BW accused of misapp.

Did not feel comfortable.

Said had advised Wilson & he unhappy but wld prefer to deal with J.C. direct than Smith. 

Did not currently intend to get another lawyer. 



Page 13 Handwritten note


Peter McCarthy

Advised that developing view re conflict of interest. Wld not be attending at bank. Did he have bank statements? He will fax to J.C. and I said I wld get BW to pick up a set.

Indicated to him that my conflict was us acting for union and for him.



Page 14 Telephone message (Incoming)



Caller: Peter McCarthy

Phone: 675 6293 Time 11.40



Spoke to John Cain. Hopes to have the ?? this afternoon

Details of the audits to a/c

Will fax bank statements to us.

30-6-95  Welfare??

– to union 

– Re Election Fund

8-2-95 to now 




Page 15 Telephone message (Incoming)



Caller: Peter McCarthy From: Commonwealth Bank

Phone 675 6293 Time 2.20

RE: Matter name:- AWU

Message:  T/O McCarthy 14/8

* Getting withdrawals & deposits is not a simple task

* B/W 27 June & 10/

- Leave him ?? 1pastedGraphic_5.png

T/O McCarthy 14/8




Page 16 Telephone message (Incoming)



Caller: Peter McCarthy From: CBA

Phone 675 6293 Time 10.55

MESSAGE: T/O left message



Page 17 Telephone message (Incoming)



Caller: Peter McCarthy From: CBA

Phone 675 6293 Time 4.00

RE: Matter name:- AWU

MESSAGE: Please call b4 4.20pm



Page 18 Handwritten note

John Cain 10/8/95

  1. Hasn’t spoken to Harrison.

Smith has.

  1. Getting messages very strongly to that effect
  2. Try and make it as simple as possible
  3. Agreement b/w Wilson and union

- ??AllegationspastedGraphic_6.png

- Decided to resign

- Resc termpastedGraphic_7.png




Page 19 Handwritten note

Ralph Blewitt

Jim Collins

Mark Barnes

Bill the Greek Telikostoglou

Marie Murray  Glen Cleghorn – Canberra


Sam Wood – org Melb

? Helmut Gries – org Melb

Steven Booth – Ind ORF – NSW

Lauren Godfrey – Org NSW

Tom Blacker – org NSW

Michael Barwick - Ind ORF Melb

Craig Wute - Ind ORF pastedGraphic_8.png

Miles Rix – org Melb

Mick Young – org Melb

Phil Tuck – org Melb

Wayne Hem – office person


Christine Campbell – office person WA

Lindsay Harris – org 

Mike Weller – org

None elected



Page 20 Handwritten note p1


Meeting John Cain (??) 9.00 pastedGraphic_9.png

  • Discussed problem. J.C. indicated money for employees was arguably secret commissions
  • Said his client’s requirement was that Wilson resign office, m’ship in union. If not he would be charged internally, there wld also be press & matter likely to find its way to police. (Careful not to specifically threaten police charges)
  • Indicated after taking instruction that Wilson wld resign but wanted the standard AWU package.


Wilson concerned about press & possible police charges even if he left. J.C. felt this was unlikely



Page 21 Handwritten note p2

We to speak to Harrison and Smith. pastedGraphic_10.png

Indicated possibility of others going if Wilson went. In fact, Wilson had said he would not resign unless those who supported him also left given standard packages. 



Page 22 Handwritten note 

(missing line)

Ludwig may at BW and my request.

He had been in meeting at Mt Isa all day.

Advised that BW wanted to resign and take standard package.

Wanted Ludwig’s assistance in this.

Ludwig not interested in assisting.

Not interested in being involved in negotiations. Had spoken to Cambridge and told him to brief R Kenzie to have a go at Harrison & Smith

Same view as earlier re nothing wrong with political donations. Told him highly likely Wilson wld resign following day



Page 23 File note p1

File note 9/8/95

In conference with Hinkley

Wilson told me for first time of the Workplace Reform Association account in WA.

Said that the monies from the account had been misspent on a no. of things he did not want to tell us about.

Indicated that if ?? a/c ever investigated he wld go to jail & so would other officials. pastedGraphic_11.png

No further discussion re this in conf with Hinkley except agreed with Hinkley that I wld contact John Cain from MB 



Page 24 File note p2

on behalf of Wilson to negotiate a redundancy package + resignation for Wilson in the hope that if he left there wld be no further investigation.


Had a coffee at ?? with Wilson immediately after conf. He told me then that S&G had set up the W.R. Association on his instructions as an election fund. & Also said that WR Assoc monies misspent by he and Blewitt on purchase of 1/85 Kerr St. pastedGraphic_12.png

Very concerned. Told him that glad he had made his decision to resign already b/c this issue wld affect my ?? pastedGraphic_13.png



Page 25 Handwritten note


  • Managements commenced in early 94
  • Mike Forshaw, Chris Hayes and myself
  • A lot of  payments made
  • NCB – real q’s of survival

- moneys of NCB being banked by other branches. People

- Ralph B asks “what to do with cheque in Feb 95”. I told Ralph to leave it in safe, &  worry about it later.

- (same with January payment from John Holland for $3000)

  • Feb-Mar 95 wld NCB survive 

can’t challenge

  • April 95 – Elections



Page 26 Handwritten note p1


  1. Branch has no money at all.



  1. Financial Dissarray – Auditors report pastedGraphic_14.png

– NCB being ripped off by other branches

– Our super not being paid

– Hosp. benefits not being paid

– Peoples monthly letters

– No Bills being paid. Creditors demanding money

– Nat. Office delayed paying people



Page 27 Handwritten note p2

– Nat Office Building not sold. Had been told that if not sold by August then Bank wld foreclose.

  1. We discussed what we might do if the whole union went “into liquidation”.


Why don’t we open a new account on 13 June ’95?

Had old Vic AWU Account (General A/C) still in existence. Employers putting monies in & NCB operating it.

However knew it would not be operating


From 6 March, thru April 1995 I was asking for cheques & deposit books. I did not get them until early May 95. Hitchesen played “ducks + drakes” with us. pastedGraphic_15.png

In period from 6 March to early May 1995 I did not bank these monies in that account. because union was broke. 



Page 28 Handwritten note p3

raised it, it would have gone instantly.

In this period 6 withdrawals from ?? AWU working Account – Biggest one $7000 to finish the renovations. pastedGraphic_16.png

In early May 95 finally got cheques & deposit books for NCB. I drew only emergencies from this. That is all I could have got anyway. Things like Telecom when phones were being cut off.

By mid May clear central funding is all over, with people just drawing cheques out of central fund with no a insufficient ?? pastedGraphic_17.png

 8 June 1995 – Finance Ctee where each Branch stands on its own 2 feet. Each Branch runs own A/C. Suggestions of wrongdoing building. Huge argument. I speak



Page 29 Handwritten note p4

(missing line)

I think to myself that I will start to have to use their monies. pastedGraphic_18.png

I had been having discussions with the C/W bank to try & get $200,000 overdraft & working account transferred to us. Bank said we couldn’t have a/c transferred to us. Said needed new A/C, & if got $200,000 overdraft it wld have to be authorised by Nat. Officials & they would have to tell them Bank what “security” wld be.

I couldn’t put it into old Vic account until this fixed up.

When I couldn’t organise this I went



Page 30 Handwritten note p5

(missing line)

1995. Started trading on it then we used that for membership dues.

B/W 8 June 1995 +

Letter from Cambridge saying those Branches having C/W Branches cld continue to use them provided they had a “Negative transaction” agreement with Bank of NSW to remit the 23% to the National Offices.

The account opened on

On 3 July 1995 the National Office opened the new decentralised accounts for each Branch from A Bank of NSW A/C for our use. 1. No good to us b/c throughout ?? can’t bank into it. 2. Still ?? the 23% problem pastedGraphic_19.png



Page 31 Handwritten note p6

(missing line)

the earlier deposits made + banked again in the election account. I did not think about it. Everything was a schemozzle. 

Still hadn’t finished negotiations with the C/W Bank re use of old Vic AWU account. Not until 8/8/95 did it become clear that we wld have to give the C/W Bank away.

What was your plan with this money?

Once I had established the NCB & it was clear that would happen, then we would transfer the Union monies into it.

At Finance Ctee on 19/6/95 (I think, there was discussn about setting up separate a/cs



Page 32 Handwritten note p7

(missing line)

WA $300,000 from Thiess

  • an incorporated association

The $20,160 cheque from Thiess was made out to this association.

However, it could lead back into these other drama’s.

There would be a problem re “secret commissions” with this. Money spent on all sorts of things

The “AWU Workplace Reform Assoc” account closed in April ’95. It operated out of



Page 33 Telephone Message (incoming)


Caller: Bruce

Phone: 9639 1655 Time: 2.00

MESSAGE: See fax – please call

Ian Cambridge – 018 647 597



Page 34 Facsimile Message 

Bernard Murphy

Date: 9 August 1995

To: Bob Smith

  Bruce Wilson

From: Ian Cambridge



Page 35 AWU-FIME Letter

Letter to Peter McCarthy from Ian Cambridge



Page 36 AWU-FIME Letter p1

Letter to Bruce Wilson from Ian Cambridge and Steve Harrison



Page 37 AWU-FIME Letter p2

Letter to Bruce Wilson from Ian Cambridge and Steve Harrison


