Tallying up the costs of Gillard's renovations
Wednesday, 01 November 2017
On 11 September 1995 GILLARD gave this explanation about paying Con Spyridis:
an account from Con was put in my letter box last week, so that's the first account that I've had from him. It is an account dated June directed towards me, yeah, I think that's right, directed towards me, dated June and it's got a letter on it, some of which is not decipherable but talks about finishing off the tiles. The account is for $3780. I've paid $2000 of it already and I'm making arrangements to get the $1780 together to pay the rest of it.
On 20 September 1995 (9 days after Gillard's 11 September exit interview) this cash cheque drawn on the Construction Industry (slush) Fund was presented.
The handwriting is Ralph Blewitt's. It was negotiated at the James Street branch on the same date as it was drawn.
The reverse bears this writing.
Cleaned up - that looks like this:
That strongly suggests to me that the proceeds of that cheque were converted into a bank cheque(s).
On 3 October 1995, about a fortnight later, this cheque for $4,078.55 was presented and negotiated at the same branch.
At least two people have been doing sums and on the back of that cheque.
Cleaned up - that looks like this:
This looks very much like tallying up - and squaring up.
The last two amounts ($2200 and $1650) look like they're the product of memory rather than exact figures or copies of statements.
$4,078.55 is the sum of 3862.75 and 215.80 (perhaps for water rates?).
It appears to me that two people were looking to make sure each received their money's worth.
Every touch, particularly handwriting, leaves its trace.