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Formal complaints to the FBI regarding suspect Australian taxpayer donations to the Clinton Foundation

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You will be aware that criminal investigations involving the Clinton Foundation are now underway in the United States.

I have been asked to provide the FBI with further and better particulars about allegations regarding improper donations to the CF funded by Australian taxpayers.

I am now preparing complaints/referrals to the FBI regarding the following matters:


  • A $25M financial advantage dishonestly obtained by deception in the 22 February 2006 MOU between
    • the Australian Government and
    • the Clinton Presidential Library and
    • the Clinton HIV/Aids Initiative Inc (CHAI) -
  • Offenders Bill CLINTON and Alexander DOWNER.  


  • The corrupt October 2006 backdating of false tender advertisements purporting to advertise the availability of
    • a $15M contract to provide HIV/Aids services in PNG
    • on behalf of the Australian Government,
    • after an agreement was already in place to pay the Clinton Foundation and/or associates.
  • Offenders Bill CLINTON and Alexander DOWNER


  • The unlawful and corrupt incorporation of an incorporated association known as
    • the "William J. Clinton Foundation HIV/Aids Initiative - PNG" - which took place
    • between 21 August 2006 and 10:03AM on 24 August 2006 - at
    • Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
  • Offenders Ruby SHANG and Bill CLINTON and certain PNG officials


  • The $10M financial advantage dishonestly obtained by deception
  • between 1 April 2008 and 25 September 2008, at
  • Washington DC, New York NY and Canberra Australia, involving an MOU between
    • the Australian Government,
    • the "Clinton Climate Initiative" and
    • the purported "Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute Inc"
  • Offenders Kevin Michael RUDD, Bill CLINTON, Hillary CLINTON


  • The $14M financial advantage dishonestly obtained by deception
    • during September 2012 at
    • Canberra Australia and New York NY, involving the award of
    • a contract to the Clinton Foundation to design and build a carbon accounting scheme in Kenya
    • on behalf of The Australian Government; and
    • certain financial advantages obtained by Julia GILLARD as a result of the corrupt payments made under the purported contract, commonly known as the Clinton Foundation "Pay to Play" scheme
  • Offenders Julie Eileen GILLARD, then US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham CLINTON and Greg COMBET


  • The $88M financial advantage dishonestly obtained by deception 
    • on 22 September 2014 at
    • New York NY, involving 
    • a MOU between the Australian Government and certain Clinton Foundation entities
    • which purported to retrospectively erase the "Clinton HIV/Aids Initiative Inc" (CHAI) as a contracting party with the Australian Government, and replace it with
    • the "Clinton Health Access Initiative Inc" (CHAI)
  • Offenders - Julie BISHOP and Bill CLINTON

I am also preparing to file a private criminal prosecution of GILLARD in an Australian court along with formal advice to the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions regarding the charges GILLARD will face.

