Live from New York - Jason Goodman, Charles Ortel and me! Clinton Foundation Australian frauds
Yesterday's boy George Brandis still on the Senate payroll - wants to be paid to come back for valedictory speech

Jason Goodman, Charles Ortel and Michael Smith - Video here

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Jeff Brooks A magnificent Tour de Force Michael. Your tireless work suddenly takes a tidal shift in recognition, so congratulations. As an aside, I always pegged Alexander Downer as a simple a well born buffoon. As the American's say, born on 3rd base and thought he hit the homer. But I know now, he's not just a buffoon...he's an imbecile to boot....oh...and crook.
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Collette AZ
Charles you have hit the nail on the head!!! I have been trying to explain for so long. So nice to hear your words!
John Jubal Murphy
I wish echo all those for the wonderful work and effort you put into undercover these crimes the elite have been up to. Most of us are aware of their activities but you guys present it in a way that would put these people away for at least 100,000 each at least. Awesome info and very professional indeed. Thanks again!
mike .D
Ive met Aussie "pollies" they are a gang of lying scamming scum. Any doubters check out Les Patterson, . If you think this is unreal, you dont know Australia !
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John Franklin
Your guest from Australia has an Impressive resume, to say the least! Wow!!
mike .D
Oh well when it comes to government corruption..welcome to Australia !
lavonne younan
Good on ya !!
Kathy Tittle
The Fleecing of America/ " What Happened" ! Also my ears perked up when I heard " Indonesia", because I just saw a picture of " Barry's" possible Indonesian FATHER who looks VERY similar!
Ellis Bell
Mesmerising presentation and conversation - thank you gentlemen!
Your guest stated clearly and succinctly the bottom line regarding Trump. Unless the President puts his money where his mouth/tweet is, he has failed. He needs to stand up like a man with character and keep his word to, not only the American people, but to the world.
Susan Hubbard
Those of the minority of the opulent don’t have to obey any laws they don’t care for. Top secret security clearances are only meant to keep us from learning of their crimes, it’s for the same reason they hold behind closed doors hearings in congress. All of our criminal proceedings are held openly and theirs are private.
Margaret OBrien
The only people in Australia who would have listened to this live would probably live in West Australia. In NZ this was on at 2am and in Australia it would have started at midnight. However I am listening now and I am finding this really interesting.
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Mark Shirley
I invested six years into PNG from 2009 to 2014, and whilst there I took PNG people on Clinton/Gates, OFF ARV drugs under which they were going down to death under. I fed these people good nourishing food and treated them with a daily dose of 'Sodium Chlorite' (NaCLO2) and what do you know!!!!! They became well again. NO MORE AID's!!/? Imagine that!? Those ARV drugs suppress the T-Cell function and replication, and the people die from any illness after that. Email me for a couple of fun articles. Take care.
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eggs benedict
Has Judicial Watch been on this case ?
eggs benedict
i've said it before - Trump said if he was president she'd be in jail, and the people shouted lock her up - I beleive the people who voted for Trump were as serious about this as any reason they voted for him. It's no coincidence that the Russian collusion and special investigation was concocted for the explicit purpose of getting in the way of any discovery of what the Clinton's and all their corrupt allies have been up to.
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eggs benedict
@1.41 it's not what has happened to america it's what has happened to the world, the corruption and greed and APATHY
Streamed 3 hours ago? 7 AM Eastern? For Australia, I presume? :) Qinn's Circles in those construction projects. When the people of New York City rise up and vote for Good instead of Evil, and not PARTY (like loyal slaves), then there may be hope that this nation might survive with the dramatic change/revolution that might achieve. However, the "humanity" there seem to be such dumb ....s, present company excepted.
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Daniel Christopherson
So glad Jason and Charles continue to expose corruption and push for truth and justice!! Michael is great! God bless.
I. Sokolov
Thanks for exposing the Clinton scams world-wide. What puzzles me why no one file criminal charges or civil lawsuits. What happen to all the ambulance chasing attorneys? The evidence is overwhelming. Shameful and tragic HIV/AIDS victims is given medicine that does NOT work. Sadly, the lack of respect for health and human right is forgotten. Another example of evil behavior is Norwegian farmed seafood export, it is heavily contaminated with dangerous toxin that causes miscarriages, strokes, and cancer. It is all about GREED. Please organize lawsuits against the Clinton Foundations and file criminal charges. These criminals must be jailed.
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Cherene Anderson
@Charles Ortel - Mrs. BILL says "Oh No!" "There getting close, quick, burn this evidence!" "Oh Nooooo!" That's why the fire happened..😃
Wm For Sure
Thank you Charles, Michael, and Jason for your intelligence your hard work and doing what is right.
Tietje Weaver
Jordan on Destroying the Illusion mentioned that Q-anon said something about "smoking them out" as per the house fire
mike .D
Iran - wait guys ..this is the same old same old CIA regime change ! You sound like the same parrots that promoted regime change in 'Nam, Iraq, Nic, Libya, (Tunisia failed) Syria (stopped by the Ruskies) Do you guys(yanks/Zionists) actually listen to what you are saying !
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Jacob Watson
That dude talks FAST. He's literally the Australian version of "The MicroMachine Man".
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+Jacob Watson The problem was that there is an enormous amount of background to all of this, much more than could be narrated over the allotted time - it was a matter of getting as much covered as possible and hoping that people could follow it. The main point of all of this, of course, is not that some individual politicians are corrupt, it would be surprising if there weren't any, but that the network that supports their activity is powerful, widespread, and very difficult to unravel - it takes a hell of a lot of time and effort, all of which may eventually lead to one's own demise. They are brave men and women who do this kind of thing. Michael Smith has lost premium jobs, a marriage, friends, and a shit load of time and money over this and similar issues, and so have a few other journalists - it's dangerous work at best.
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Jacob Watson
lol I'm not disagreeing with any of that. I just said he talks fast.
...and I was explaining why...
