Boris Johnson's full-day staff event - #StrongInHijab. Join us for #WorldHijabDay
Beautiful story from the ABC in Adelaide - with compliments to Qantas staff and the Make-A-Wish Foundation

Government of Turnbull Senator Jim Molan wipes General Jim Molan's Twitter account - Year Zero starts now

I used to enjoy Jim Molan's messages on Twitter.

He was authentic, effective and I learned a lot.

He was also human - talking and posting photos about his daughter in the media, his family and particularly his grandchildren.

What he was proud of yesterday, he's apparently embarrassed about today.

Earlier today Jim deleted his entire Twitter presence - and a bit of Australian history with it.

I don't agree with his decision, but I understand why he did it.


This is the new sanitised Government-of-Turnbull Jim Molan.

Screen Shot 2018-02-07 at 12.45.33 pm


Here's an insight into life in the Government of Turnbull - this article from The Australian reports Turnbull's lacklustre response to The Greens disgraceful attacks on a great general and fine Australian.  

The Turnbull influence is starkly revealed in the last paragraph.


| 3.18PMPM defends Molan

Senator Jim Molan in his office at Parliament House. Picture: Kym Smith.
Senator Jim Molan in his office at Parliament House. Picture: Kym Smith.

Malcolm Turnbull goes into bat for Liberal senator Jim Molan after Labor asks why he was never sanctioned for reposting social media posts from the racist British First group.

The PM says the attacks on Mr Molan had been “disgraceful”.

“(He was) a great Australian soldier who has defended and fought for the values and the freedoms we enjoy in this parliament,” he says.

Mr Turnbull says Mr Molan has taken down the posts, closed his Twitter account and made public statements regretting ever reposting them.

I heard Jim mount a sensible defence of the public interest in re-posting those video in an interview he did with the ABC yesterday (I was listening via his Twitter feed - evidence of that conversation has now gone west too).

I liked that fighting Jim.

I don't like team-Turnbull.
