Julie Bishop defends grants to promote Muslim hijabs for women "because there's a huge market for Islamic fashion"
Maybe Hillary should lay off the grog a bit - "climate change will hurt women more than men"

Greens Adam Bandt calls General Jim Molan AO DSC "a coward" who should be prosecuted for war crimes

He did it outside the parliament this morning on Sky News.

He's had time to think about what he'd say.

And he chose to say it - publicly.

I know Jim won't sue - so does Bandt.  Jim's too big a man to stoop down in the gutter.


From The Australian today.

Greens MP Adam Bandt has labelled new Liberal senator Jim Molan a “coward” and suggested he would be prosecuted as a war criminal if there was an independent inquiry into his conduct in Iraq.

Mr Bandt echoed the comments of Greens leader Richard Di Natale in criticising Senator Molan for sharing videos from racist group British First – but he made the accusations on Sky News rather than in the parliament which would have protected him from potential defamation.

“When you share white supremacist videos and then you justify it by saying, ‘I am doing it to stimulate debate’ .. you are a coward, you are a complete coward,” Mr Bandt said.

“At least own it, at least own your politics that you think white supremacist groups have something that you agree with and you want to share.”

Senator Molan, who was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and the American Legion of Merit for his service in Iraq, was the chief of operations for the US-led coalition forces from April 2004.

Mr Bandt said Senator Molan would be prosecuted if there was an independent inquiry into his role during the assault on Fallujah in 2004.

“If there was a proper inquiry, an independent inquiry into the war in Iraq in Australia, I think you would find that Jim Molan would be up for prosecution rather than praise for his role in the atrocities in Fallujah,” he said.

Senator Di Natale used parliamentary privilege yesterday to accuse Senator Molan of overseeing a “humanitarian catastrophe”.
