Ben Fordham was filleting the anti-Trump essay "Fire and Fury" creative writer & bulltish artist Michael Wolff when..........
VICPOL Assistant Commission Brett 'Dean Martin' Guerin resigns from police force.

Ralph Blewitt, the only defendant in The AWU Scandal to enter a plea this Wednesday. Guilty or not guilty?

I met with Ralph Blewitt and his lawyer in Perth today.

Ralph will appear in the Magistrates' Court on Wednesday where he will be asked to enter a plea to each of 31 charges in The AWU Scandal.

Ralph's the only person facing charges.

Each charge relates to a single invoice paid by Thiess and raised by the Gillard slush fund, the AWU Workplace Reform Association.

Each charge alleges that Thiess suffered a financial detriment BECAUSE of a fraud committed on Thiess by Ralph Blewitt.

Each charge alleges that Thiess was tricked, or deceived into believing that the "workplace reform" invoice from the Gillard slush fund was for a real service.

The charges say Ralph Blewitt accomplished all of that - alone.

Here's Ralph!

Ralph Blewitt doesn't say there was no crime.

He doesn't say he did nothing wrong.

He doesn't say Wilson, Gillard and the other conspirators were entitled to the money they received from the scam.

He doesn't say there was no dishonesty either.

And the tide is now turning decisively in Ralph's favour.

In a major development - perhaps a unique development in a serious crime like this one - the original investigator of the AWU Scandal crimes is now re-engaged in the investigation.

Former Detective Sergeant Dave McAlpine has produced a 20 page statement that supports Ralph Blewitt's position and calls for the prosecution of others with a lot more to come.

What's Dave's motivation? It's the same as Ralph's.  And mine.


Here's the highly motivated investigator Dave McAlpine hard at work on making sure the real crooks face the courts.


Those bigger crooks in the AWU Scandal are now in the cross-hairs.

They are named, with times, dates, places and reams of documentary evidence incriminating them in serious criminal offences.

Former Detective Sergeant McAlpine is pursuing them.

I am pursuing them.  And I hope you are too.

If we keep making our voices heard, at some point the pressure will become overwhelming for the paid authorities to do their jobs and pursue the real crooks too.

$400,000 did not wing its way from the WA Building and Construction Industry Training Council/Fund - via Thiess - into the Gillard renovations, the Kerr Street house, the buried cash and for other purposes as a result of 31 deceptions committed by Ralph Blewitt.

While the current case against Ralph Blewitt is making its way through the courts, a growing group of former Corporate Affairs officials, police like Dave McAlpine, former colleagues of Gillard and Wilson and witnesses from the BCITF and Thiess are coming forward to point out documents and other evidence that tells the truth about The AWU Scandal.

And because Ralph Blewitt's charged with offences  in this matter, he has a court-enforced right to get each and every bit of that evidence.  With summonses and sheriffs to back him up.

I have not had this level of confidence until now in the certainty that sufficient men and women of good will are now acting in concert to undo the coverups and bring the offenders to justice.

It's a great feeling after so many years.

Every touch leaves its trace.
