Barnaby Joyce's love life makes The Daily Telegraph's front page
Julie Bishop defends grants to promote Muslim hijabs for women "because there's a huge market for Islamic fashion"

Recent Australian Government data - direct Clinton Foundation taxpayer donations total $130M


On 22 February 2006 the Foreign Minister Alexander Downer and Bill Clinton signed a $25M MoU triggering the first round of Australian donations to the Clinton Foundation.  

The CF recipient entity was the Clinton Foundation HIV/Aids Initiative Inc (CHAI). Australian due diligence failed to detect that the entity did not hold the necessary US authority to operate in the treatment of HIV/Aids, further that the entity was wound up by the Massachusetts corporate regulator effective 31 December 2007. 

By December 2008 the Clinton Foundation reported that Australia was its largest Western Government donor.

In 2010 Clinton incorporated a new CHAI entity, the Clinton Health Access Initiative.  The Australian government on its websites and in reports retrospectively changed the name of the entity it was contracting with from the deregistered HIV/Aids Initiative Inc to the new CHAI Inc.

On 22 September 2014 in New York, FM Julie Bishop and Bill Clinton witnessed the signing of a new MoU with the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) "committing Australia and the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) to work together to transform access to health in developing countries over the next five years".  

The MOU "superseded" the 2006 MOU with Clinton HIV/Aids Initiative. Bishop's media release included two financial metrics - she said the new CHAI MoU

  • "will support Australia’s $5 billion aid program"; and,
  • "Since 2006, Australia has contributed $88 million to CHAI and its sister organisation, the Clinton Foundation".

As at June 2015, Bishop's department (DFAT) was funding the following CHAI programs

Vietnam ($4.65 million from 2012- 2015)

PNG ($27 million from 2011-15)

Indonesia, ($33.95 million from 2007- 2016)

By mid 2016 Australian donations to the Clinton Foundation (and related entities) from DFAT alone had topped $100M AUD. A further $24M was donated ostensibly for climate change related CF programs - $10M directly by Kevin Rudd and about $14M by GILLARD. And new donations were still being arranged.

On 20 October 2016 the Australian Senate's foreign affairs committee heard evidence from Mr Blair Exell, First Assistant Secretary, Development Policy Division in Bishop's DFAT.

...........from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, since 2006 the total (donation) figure is $103,392,042 to the Clinton Foundation and subsequently to an affiliate organisation called the Clinton Health Access Initiative, CHAI.

On 8 November 2016 Donald Trump won the US presidential election.

On 22 November 2016 News Limited was leaked a false and misleading news story about DFAT which ran under the headline:

Australia ceases multimillion dollar controversial donations to Clinton Family charities

AUSTRALIA has finally ceased pouring millions of dollars into accounts linked to Hillary Clinton’s charities.

Payments to the Clinton Foundation continued along with new contracts with the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership.
On 17 March 2017 the Senate's foreign affairs committee heard the following exchange:

Senator LEYONHJELM:  At the previous estimates in October last year I asked about the Australian government funding to Clinton related charities.

Mr McDonald : Yes.

Senator LEYONHJELM: I was advised that payments were continuing to occur to the Clinton Health Access Initiative and that $11 million was paid to this initiative in 2015-16. Then there was an article on on 28 November last year which ran under the headline, 'Australia ceases multinational dollar donations to controversial Clinton family charities'. My question is: have any decisions regarding Australian government funding to Clinton related charities been made since the previous estimates?

Mr McDonald : I do not believe so. I will check that on notice. I think when we discussed this last time there was one program continuing under the Clinton health initiative, as you mentioned, and that is the only one that I am aware of.

Senator LEYONHJELM: There is a memorandum of understanding between the government and the Clinton Health Access Initiative from September 2014 which included collaboration to address malaria control in the greater Mekong region for the next five years, which would carry it through to 2019. Is that the collaboration that you are talking about?

Mr McDonald : I am not sure that had any funding associated with it. I am fairly sure it did not, but I will ask Mr Exell to confirm that. As I said earlier, I am only aware of one that is still continuing with funding associated with it.

Mr Exell : Just to concur with that. Yes, my understanding is that there was a broad memorandum of understanding signed. There was no specific dollars attached to that. The only active activity funding with the Clinton Health Access Initiative is in Papua New Guinea, and we have already covered that.

Senator LEYONHJELM: Is payment on that program continuing?

Mr Sloper : Yes, it is continuing. The program runs through in three phases. We are currently in the last phase, being 2016. It is in relation to HIV—for which, as you would appreciate, PNG has one of the highest rates. We have engaged with the Clinton Foundation, who have particular expertise in that area on the ground there.

Mr Exell : Can I suggest that it is important to recognise the difference between the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Health Access Initiative. The article that you are referring to referred to agreements with the Clinton Foundation, of which there have been none for a number of years.

Senator LEYONHJELM: You may need to take this one on notice. You said the Clinton Foundation was zero. For the Clinton Health Access Initiative so far in 2016-17 what is estimated for this year and next year? If you have that handy; otherwise you can take it on notice.

Mr Exell : We will take that on notice. I would make one other point. You referred to a program in Vietnam. That program finished in December 2015.

Senator LEYONHJELM: That is interesting because I was under the impression that the MOU was signed in 2014 and it was for a five-year collaboration. Is that not the case?

Mr Exell : Again, we are confusing the broad MOU between the Clinton Health Access Initiative, which had no dollars and no specific activities, versus the Mekong activity that you referred to, which was a specific thing. I will double check. I will take it on notice but my understanding is that program finished in December 2015.

Senator LEYONHJELM: I asked you what continuing funding there is. If that is included then that is fine. If not, otherwise, it is just the PNG project, I presume.

Mr Sloper : I can address the question of continuing funding for PNG now. Phase 3 of the three-phased project that I mentioned earlier is valued at $3,320,540. It is expected to run from 1 April 2016 through to 30 June 2017.

Senator LEYONHJELM: That is the only continuing project?

Mr Sloper : That is right.

Senator LEYONHJELM: That implies that the Vietnamese one has terminated?

Mr Sloper : That is right.

Senator LEYONHJELM: Thank you very much.

By my reckoning, that's a total of about $130M in Clinton Foundation donations since 2006.

Here are some more details on some of the factual assertions in this post.

2006 - 2009

By the end of 2008, almost 3 years after the Downer/Clinton MOU was signed Australia was the largest foreign government donor to the Clinton Foundation.

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2009 - 2015 

On 22 September 2014 the total of our "support" was $86M according to Julie Bishop in this press release.

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In June 2015 this briefing paper was prepared for a Senate Committee - it was later released under FOI.

CHAI programs funded through the Australian aid program (at June 2015)

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (OF AT) funds CHAI in PNG, Indonesia and Vietnam.

In Vietnam ($4.65 million from 2012- 2015), CHAI aims to strengthen medical care and treatment for people living with HIV, with a focus on children and mothers.

In PNG ($27 million from 2011-15) CHAI aims to improve access to clinical treatment ofHIV, drug supply chain management and laboratory strengthening; and extend services to rural areas in three Highlands provinces.

In Indonesia, ($33.95 million from 2007- 2016), CHAI aims to extend and improve testing and treatment for HIV in Papua and West Papua provinces.

Australian funding to the Clinton Climate Initiative

In 2012 former AusAID entered into a contract with the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI), a program of the Clinton Foundation, for activities addressing climate change. Following the 2013 Australian Federal election, responsibilities for climate change and for this contract were moved to the Department of the Environment.

Total as at June 2015

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By 20 October 2016 - $103M so far to the CF - just from DFAT

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee 
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Senator LEYONHJELM: Have payments from the Australian government to the Clinton Health Access Initiative and the Clinton Foundation ceased?

Ms Adamson : I will ask Deputy Secretary McDonald to answer that question.

Mr McDonald : There are payments occurring at the moment, yes.

Senator LEYONHJELM: On what date was the most recent payment made?

Mr McDonald : When I say 'payment', I should clarify. There is an agreement in place for work in PNG. I will clarify whether the payment has actually been made. There is an arrangement in place for further work with—it is not called the Clinton Foundation. I will give you the exact name as well.

Senator LEYONHJELM: How much has been paid to the foundation so far?

Mr McDonald : Mr Exell could provide that.

Mr Exell : Since 2006 there have been a number of agreements with activities in a range of countries. I cannot provide a figure across Australia entirely. Certainly, from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, since 2006 the total figure is $103,392,042 to the Clinton Foundation and subsequently to an affiliate organisation called the Clinton Health Access Initiative, CHAI.

28 November 2016 - News reports - Australian Government has stopped payments to Clinton Foundation

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AUSTRALIA has finally ceased pouring millions of dollars into accounts linked to Hillary Clinton’s charities.

Which might make you wonder: Why were we donating to them in the first place?

The federal government confirmed to it has not renewed any of its partnerships with the scandal-plagued Clinton Foundation, effectively ending 10 years of taxpayer-funded contributions worth more than $88 million.

The Clinton Foundation has a rocky past. It was described as “a slush fund”, is still at the centre of an FBI investigation and was revealed to have spent more than $50 million on travel.


2 March 2017 hearing of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee

Senator LEYONHJELM: I asked you what continuing funding there is. If that is included then that is fine. If not, otherwise, it is just the PNG project, I presume.

Mr Sloper: I can address the question of continuing funding for PNG now. Phase 3 of the three-phased project that I mentioned earlier is valued at $3,320,540. It is expected to run from 1 April 2016 through to 30 June 2017.

More on Rudd and Gillard's suspect $10M and $14M donations soon.
