Reader Barry on Chairman Mal
Wednesday, 02 May 2018
I've not read a better analysis on Malcolm Turnbull than this from BarryJ:
What a hopeless, dimwitted lot is the parliamentary Liberal Party who selected Mr Turnbull to lead them.
Malcolm Turnbull is an empty suit; his cabinet vacuous.
Turnbull is not the top-flight businessman built up in the media, he is a money manipulator, a merchant banker.
A businessman has the ability to lead a business day-by-day, to operate and LEAD an organisation towards a target.
Where leaders lead, Turnbull meanders.
He meandered into a double-dissolution election he said was about union corruption. Then forgot to mention union corruption during the campaign.
The result? Tony Abbott's 35 seat majority slashed to a wafer thin 1 seat buffer.
And to remove doubt about his principles, Turnbull used the week or so of post-election uncertainty to cut a "no damage to unions" deal with Bob Katter who is financed by the CFMEU.
Debt and deficit are soaring but still the high-spending promises flow.
A couple of days ago Turnbull produced this video about the latest spending extravaganza instalment - more Gonski.
Thanks BarryJ for putting it so clearly.
I hope the Liberal Party is listening.