Liberal Party Senator Lucy Gichuhi retracts her promotion of 10,000 DFAT scholarships for African students
Shorten "promises better" on stopping corruption, where's the Government of Turnbull?

Reader Barry on Chairman Mal

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I've not read a better analysis on Malcolm Turnbull than this from BarryJ:

What a hopeless, dimwitted lot is the parliamentary Liberal Party who selected Mr Turnbull to lead them.

Malcolm Turnbull is an empty suit; his cabinet vacuous.

Turnbull is not the top-flight businessman built up in the media, he is a money manipulator, a merchant banker.

A businessman has the ability to lead a business day-by-day, to operate and LEAD an organisation towards a target.

Where leaders lead, Turnbull meanders.

He meandered into a double-dissolution election he said was about union corruption.  Then forgot to mention union corruption during the campaign.

The result?  Tony Abbott's 35 seat majority slashed to a wafer thin 1 seat buffer.

And to remove doubt about his principles, Turnbull used the week or so of post-election uncertainty to cut a "no damage to unions" deal with Bob Katter who is financed by the CFMEU.

Debt and deficit are soaring but still the high-spending promises flow.

A couple of days ago Turnbull produced this video about the latest spending extravaganza instalment - more Gonski.

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Thanks BarryJ for putting it so clearly.

I hope the Liberal Party is listening.

