The CFMEU/Labor Party's police force in Victoria now targeting free speech
Friday, 20 July 2018
Tim Andrews and the Australian Taxpayers' Alliance are running an important campaign against the CFMEU/Labor Party's police force in Victoria.
Victorian Police have just announced that they will charge Canadian speaker Lauren Southern a staggering $68,000 after violent thugs threatened to protest her talk in Melbourne.
That’s right: A law-abiding speaker giving a legal speech is being charged because of threats by rabid far-left activists.
Protecting people from violence literally is the core duty of the police (and one VicPolice seem to be failing at consistently). To charge the law-abiding because of the threats made against them makes a complete mockery of our legal system.
These protests are organised by the “Campaign Against Racism and Fascism” (CARF) – an organisation started by members of the radical Socialist Alternative, which previously had members arrested for violently attacking attendees at a speech last year and has already created a “Solidarity And Defence Fund” to defend members arrested for violence.
It doesn’t matter if you agree with Lauren or disagree with her. This goes to the very heart of freedom of speech in Australia. If the police can force someone to pay $68,000 or else be silent, then freedom of speech in Australia is dead.
Make no mistake: The Victorian Police literally want to charge someone $68,000 to exercise the right to freedom of speech because of threats made AGAINST them. If anyone should pay the bill, it should be the protestors who are the once threatening violence.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights state “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
This is the behaviour of tin-pot dictatorships, not a free society like Australia.